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Boiler in a sentence

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Sentence count:267+17Posted:2017-08-15Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: freezerSimilar words: potboilerboilerplateboiledtoilerspoilerbroilersoil erosionboilMeaning: ['bɔɪlə]  n. 1. sealed vessel where water is converted to steam 2. a metal pot for stewing or boiling; usually has a lid. 
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121. I happened to meet him in the boiler room.
122. The boiler steam system cyclic scheduling problem was investigated.
123. The technology instant concret steam boiler shelling is introduced.
124. The experiments show that the full scope real time simulation mathematical model of Russia made 500MW units supercritical once through boiler has excellent dynamic characteristics.
125. Introduces the main ideas of the software system that is developed from China GB9222-88(Strength calculation of pressure parts for water tube boiler).
126. Then the new predictive function control on the basis of fuzzy compensation is applied to the combustion systems of an industrial boiler.
127. Auxiliary Boiler Series: If Atmospheric thermal spray Deaerator and Sampling Cooler.
128. This paper shows existence major problem and provides reform envisagement through the analysis of automatic combustion control system of pulverized fuel boiler flowing pulverized coal by hot air.
129. So the problem of the corrosive pits in several locomotive boiler wall inside the firebox can be solved. It is practicable and takes good effect.
130. The article introduces a style of design of the full-automatic boiler pressure controller based on single chip microcomputer.
131. According to local reports, the Unknown Sailor was buried in a boiler suit, or overalls.
132. Make an overall check of the control circuit of the automatic boiler.
133. The aim of this work is to propose an effective method for the solution of the cyclic scheduling problem of boiler system with decaying performance.
134. In this paper, aiming at unreasonable designs of a 600 MW boiler water circulating pump start-up system, feasible schemes of improvement are presented and put into effect.
135. The automatic control has been realized for a particular boiler furnace burning system with two coal feeding mode of chain grate and ventifact batcher.
136. District heating system with peak-load boiler in the secondary network can match the variation of heating load with the outdoor air temperature.
137. The technology of instant concret steam boiler shelling is introduced.
138. The reliability lab ship fuel oil donkey boiler controlled by relay control system is evaluated using counting method[], and mean time to failure (MTTF) of the control circuit is educed.
139. But if bizygomatic breadth is wider, should make full use of the space of corner, use for instance turn basket can put basins of more boiler bowl gourd ladle.
140. The Watts Water Pressure Regulator must be installed on the water supply line to the boiler.
141. This paper proposes to reduce flue discharge temperature by using condensation technique on boiler to recover and utilize latent heat of vaporization in flue gas, thus improving heat efficiency.
142. He was injured as the result of a boiler explosion.
143. According to its combustion characteristics, the design requirement of blast furnace gas boiler is discussed.
144. From the two aspects of technology and management, makes the operating efficiency of boiler above 82%.
145. This control system is also employed in actual teaching as marine auxiliary boiler simulator.
145. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
146. This paper deduced the equations of the mass balance of boiler furnace of mixing burning of endless grate with pulverized coal and gas heat balance equations between its upper part and lower part.
147. An oil-splattered BP engineer's boiler suit has become one of the most successful Halloween costumes in the US, the Daily Telegraph of London reported.
148. Main equipment including: boiler, steam turbine, generator complete and their auxiliary equipments.
149. Boiler pressure is higher than rated pressure to release energy, the valve can not be a timely pop-up, the boiler unexpected serious incidents occur.
150. Distribution of water flow is an important factor that affects the double water jacket boiler.
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