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Blog in a sentence

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Sentence count:202+1Posted:2017-03-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: blownblotblowblockbloatbloodbloomblondMeaning: n. a shared on-line journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences and hobbies. v. read, write, or edit a shared on-line journal. 
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31 One English-language blog headline: "Jackie Chan is a Know-Nothing Self-Loathing Racist."
32 On the one hand, there are those who lust after success stories involving other social media (eg, Twitter) used to drive high amounts of immediate, short-term traffic to a business blog.
33 Detailed information, photos, and a full step-by-step procedure can be found on my blog.
34 When I was asked to review a blog that was written by a bodybuilder, I thought that would be an experience worth sharing.
35 Tech-news blog Gizmodo, a sibling site of Gawker currently not on Steve Jobs' most-favored-reading list, posted an explainer last night.
36 A few months ago I made an addition to the blog and the paper notebooks where I wrote my to-do lists, short notes and goals.
37 If you run this command after deploying and starting the blog sample application and then type list() at the command prompt, you'll see entries for two OSGi frameworks on the target server.
38 In the last part, the paper presents that, as a philosophical conception, alienation is not incompatible with anagenesis, affirms active effect of Chinese blog.
39 “I can see why people are concerned that if a person makes a quick online donation, and does nothing else, it is slacktivism,” said Britt Bravo, author of the Have Fun, Do Good blog.
40 For those with super duper tech skills, you can customize Facebook Connect in order to add it to your website or blog, where useful.
41 The word "blog" is a short way of saying web log, or personal Web site.
42 And resource library, does not need to bulk and mass blog software, but also to allow customers to convincing effect.
43 Elia writes about tech, mobile and running a business on his blog,
44 A group research blog explores the evolution of cyborg culture through technologies of the body.
45 This post originally appeared on his blog, The Heavy Hitter Sales blog.
46 More information on Visual Studio 2008 can be found at Microsoft's MSDN web site and from Scott Guthrie's blog.
47 My friend Chris Guillebeau runs the fascinating and extremely popular blog, The Art of Non-Conformity.
48 Articles and blog posts on the subject seem to be on the upswing.
49 Had not thought my this big uneducated person also can open BLOG, hoped comes the big daily family activity to my here, attentively realizes the life together with me, thanks!
50 However, more complex forms for multipage checkouts, blog management, firewall administration, and so forth will benefit greatly from XForms.
51 Joining us now is editor of the Wall Street Journal Speakeasy Culture Blog,( Christopher John Farley. Good to see you.
52 Pick a working title Start a blog (this is a great founder blog) Look into the legal structure Pick a mantra over a business plan.
53 Williams, the author of this template, launched the first ever blog by a British cabinet minister.
54 It's worth noting that traditional and new media organisations were instrumental in unmasking the falsity of the "gay girl" blog.
55 But he flat-out retired his own blog in July. "Blogging is simply too big, too impersonal, and lacks the intimacy that drew me to it," he wrote in his final post.
56 Ann Smarty, a search-engine marketing consultant who originated the blog, speculated that the new feature "could mean bad news" for sites.
57 Fossil Fuels pale ale caused a stir among beer aficionados like William Brand, a former critic with The Oakland Tribune who raved about it on his blog.
58 This paper puts forward kinds of find full-text resources during the document delivery such as Academic Search Engine, Open Access, Academic Blog and other ways.
59 After a short private beta test, JS-Kit just announced that Echo, its new blog commenting platform, is now available as a public beta.
60 He twice scolded "whiners, " claiming that this blog under the New York Times masthead was "a personal not-for-pay venture.
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