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Basic computer in a sentence

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Sentence count:24Posted:2024-07-04Updated:2024-07-04
Similar words: electronic computercomputer databasebasic codebasic colorbasic colorscomputerized accountingcomputerized accounting systemcomputer
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1) Basic computer skills are a good thing to have under your belt.
2) Suitable for beginners but basic computer skills necessary.
3) Basic computer literacy is becoming an integral part of education for many high school and college students.
4) The college is offering three basic computer courses this year.
5) Basic computer code consists of sequences of ones and zeros.
6) Master basic computer system and network skills advancedOperating System.
7) Understand basic computer and multimedia technology concepts and terminology.
8) This course introduces basic computer communication protocols and fundamental data transmission technique between computers.
9) Good mathematics and logical thinking,[ computer.html] command basic computer operate skills.
10) Basic computer operation skill.
11) Encoder and decoder is a basic computer circuit devices. This Curriculum design by EDA design encoder and decoder.
12) Basic computer maintenance knowledge.
13) Lisa self - learning basic computer design courses, and several friends to share their own fashion design work.
14) Your basic computer setup.
15) Workers can take classes in everything from basic computer skills to Web - page design to engineering programs.
16) A QUICK BASIC computer program for drawing the polarization evolution on the Smith chart is described.
17) Classic Raiders wide computer failure, introduction of basic computer maintenance[], maintenance and some common troubleshooting.
18) Basic computer skills take - at the very longest - a couple of months to learn.
19) The program allows only basic computer functions and does not contain a spell-checker or other advanced features.
20) In this chapter, we turn our attention to a third basic computer resource, Data.
21) Translated Description : To strengthen our province Higher non - computer professional teaching basic computer courses, improve teaching quality.
22) In addition, all teachers and college students must participate in at least one basic computer course.
23) Mr. Reshef's plan is to "take anyone, anyone whatsoever, " as long as they can pass an English orientation course and a course in basic computer skills, and have a high school diploma or equivalent.
24) The teaching objective is to make foreign students familiar with the computer-based Chinese language environment and improve their basic computer capacity within Chinese language environment.
More similar words: electronic computercomputer databasebasic codebasic colorbasic colorscomputerized accountingcomputerized accounting systemcomputercomputer componentsdistributed computercompatible computerscientific computationmain computercomputer usercomputer runcomputerisecomputerizesupercomputercomputer terminalterminal computercomputer timecomputer wordcomputer mousecomputerizedcomputer gamecomputer filetrip computertarget computerminicomputerhome computer
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