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Barley in a sentence

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Sentence count:244+9Posted:2017-04-09Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: barleycornSimilar words: gnarledsnarledfearlessharlequinscarlet feverpearlescentharlem renaissancebarbarousMeaning: ['bɑːlɪ]  n. 1. a grain of barley 2. cultivated since prehistoric times; grown for forage and grain. 
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211 To grow crops of wheat, barley, soybean - based, oil - bearing crops, potato, sugar beet times.
212 A method for the determination of residue of fumigant sulfonyl fluoride in some cereals, such as maize, rice, barley and soya bean, is reported by headspace gas chromatography.
213 We want to buy Grains - Wheat, Durum, Oats, Barley and Pulses - Chickpeas, Faba Beans, Lupins , Mustard Seeds, and Meat Bone Meal, Yellow Peas, Rape Seeds, Rice, Soybeans Seeds.
214 The present paper analysed two key procedures for rapid establishment of embryogenic cell suspension cultures derived from barley mature embryo.
215 Hackett has been stirring malted barley into 150 - degree water in an enormous stainless steel tub.
216 The period of tripe mound of barley is the morphological symbol to complete the vernalization phase and start ear initiation,( but the wheat is in double ridge.
217 So Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moabitess, her daughter in law, with her, which returned out of the country of Moab: and they came to Bethlehem in the beginning of barley harvest.
218 The result showed there is the resistance to spread as well as to initial infection of Fusarium head blight in barley.
219 Agriculture: wheat, barley, oilseed, tobacco; dairy products; forest products; fish.
220 The Hallelujah diet founded by George Malkmus puts particular emphasis on carrot juice and barley grass, which contribute about 15% of calories.
221 With this fermentation process(, we get a new type of wheat beer with flavour different to that of ordinary barley ...
222 These are medium-chain molecules that can be extracted from Baker's yeast, mushrooms, oats and barley.
223 "Most areas in Australia where malting barley is cropped are likely to experience producing declines , " he said.
224 Ward's method and subfunction method were suitable for the evaluation or classification of waterlogging-tolerance of barley germplasm.
225 The aphid is now laying waste to the wheat and barley fields.
226 Also, look in your grain isle for new grains like orzo, quinoa, couscous, barley, alfalfa and others.
227 I found Barley water in a glass bottle and toothpaste in a metal tube.
228 The aim of the research was to investigate the effects of basic seedlings with different densities on the population and individual quality and yield of malting barley Supi 3.
229 The starch in pearl barley is about 12 % resistant and 43 % slowly - digesting.
230 This year it's bursting with life, especially in the fields where local farmers grow barley, potatoes and teff , a cereal used to make the flat, spongy bread injera.
231 The result showed that the peroxidase activity and seed viability decreased with the barley store years prolonged, while the conductance rate of seed lixivium (increased).
232 The relationships between each components and types of row and caryopsis were analyzed and the association of starch content to evolution of barley was also discussed.
233 Log cottages are sinking into a soil which gives up evidence of the siege: cannon shot, wooden shovels, barley blackened by fire.
234 Instead, they seem to have been used to store wild barley and wild oats.
235 The barley, found in farmer's fields surrounding the capital city Asmara in Eritrea, has the highest level of genetic diversity ever discovered.
236 "According to Popkin, barley prices in Krakow have not been this stable since 1971, " he said to Daphne, and smiled wanly as he climbed into bed.
237 Baron's Black Wattle Ale, Australia. This unusual but tasty brew is fermented from barley and native wattle seeds and resembles a light bodied stout.
238 The products concerned were barley, soybeans, rapeseed, peanut oil, seed oil, corn oil, and cottonseed oil.
239 So Naomi returned from Moab accompanied by Ruth the Moabitess, her daughter-in-law, arriving in Bethlehem as the barley harvest was beginning.
240 Chinese barley landraces or cultivars were carried on by I 2 - KI staining method in this study.
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