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Barley in a sentence

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Sentence count:244+9Posted:2017-04-09Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: barleycornSimilar words: gnarledsnarledfearlessharlequinscarlet feverpearlescentharlem renaissancebarbarousMeaning: ['bɑːlɪ]  n. 1. a grain of barley 2. cultivated since prehistoric times; grown for forage and grain. 
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181 And also it is an efficient vector of several plants virus, what is more important, can spread barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV).
182 Koumiss transmits wildness, boldness and hospitality of Mongolian, Qingke barley beer ferments simple character of the Tibetan.
183 The probe revealed only weak signals in genomic DNA from other cereal species, wheat, barley, maize, rice, and pearl millet, indicating that xPSF31 is a Setaria genus specific sequence.
184 As an important virus disease of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDY) wheat yellow dwarf disease has become a global problem due to overwhelming infections and severe reductions in yield.
185 Small batch ,( pot distilled whiskey made in Oregon from peat - malted barley.
186 With this fermentation process, we get a new type of wheat beer with flavour different to that of ordinary barley beer.
187 The experiments on application of malt extract to barley anther culture were carried out here.
188 Mexican tradition jar for Horchata, Barley, Tamarind , Mango water.
189 Thus will offer rich raw materials for the processing of barley grass.
190 Brown rice, bulgur, oatmeal, and barley are other examples of whole grains that are eaten on their own.
191 The principal raw materials of beer manufacture are water, hops, and malted cereal grains, principally barley.
192 Organic carob, organic barley, chicory, organic chicory, organic dates, almonds, natural mocha flavor, organic figs, organic cocoa powder.
193 Savor wine bar: The highland barley, sorghum, barley, wheat, Millet and other food production.
194 It is made of wheat, barley or oatmeal,[] usually with baking powder as leavening agent.
195 "A week of this, " he said to himself, "and we shall be sowing our barley. It is winter's end, for a certainty.
196 April 21, 2010-Tewabech Mamo gazed at the lush barley field in front of her home in the Ethiopian highlands.
197 Single malt Scotch whiskies are distilled entirely from a fermented mash of malted barley.
198 Brewed in from roasted, unmalted barley , this beer has a bitter-hoppy taste, is full-bodied and extremely dark colored.
199 It is rich in winter heats and sunlight and free of frost, added enough labor force so that it is suitable for largely plantation of barley grass.
200 Objective: To observe immune regulation function of selenium-enriched barley seedling (SEBS) in mice by detecting cell-mediated immunity and humoral immunity.
201 An alcoholic liquor distilled from grain rye, or barley, and containing approximately 40 to 50 percent ethyl alcohol by volume.
202 Barley flour, yak butter and butter tea. Photo by Daniel McCrohan.
203 In 2005 and 2006, the resistance to spread and initial infection of Fusarium head blight was evaluated in 287 barley cultivars by using single floret injection and spore spaying.
204 The village opened a new factory specializing in deep - processing of highland barley.
205 Sunseeds Sesamin is a combination of Black Sesame, Raw Honey, Pearl Barley, Unshaved Rice and Woldberry. It is proven effective and efficient to human body by its unique process.
206 China is a region abundant and far-ranging geographical distribution in waxy barley genetic resources.
207 Food executives are also warning about surging prices for feeding and malting barley, which could push higher the retail cost of products from poultry to beer .
208 Oats spread over Europe and Asia as weed - like mixtures in barley and wheat.
209 By means of multielement analysis, 7 character indexes of 49 breeding material had been made by a main composition and cluster analysis in malting barley.
210 Drought conditions in parts of Australia where malting barley was grown was likely to get worse, according to Jim Salinger of New Zealand's National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research.
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