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Assignments in a sentence

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Sentence count:250+1Posted:2017-08-31Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: assignmentreassignmentduty assignmentconsignmentgoods on consignmentalignmentarraignmentrealignment
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151 The rest of you stick with me and wait for your assignments.
152 If the pin assignments within the FPGA do not agree with the implemented design at the board level, damage can occur to either the FPGA component or the board-level circuits.
153 During authorized business travel and work assignments, The company provides the required transportation and services and pays a per diem allowance to cover reasonable living expenses.
154 Moreover, unsorted_list and sorted_list would now be aliased to the same sorted-and-reversed list (as described under " List assignments and aliasing").
155 But on his Vogue assignments Steichen produced pictures as meticulously conceived as any painting by Gainsborough or Sargent—even though he needed to fill page after page, month after month.
156 Then the key assignments are switched so that "Moroccan" and "bad" share the same key and "French" and "good" share the other.
157 Both small assignments of germplasm and bulk shipments of commercial material involve a potential risk.
158 Over the course of the semester, reading assignments and preliminary writing exercises will help to prepare you for the kinds of essays that you will be writing.
159 In some applications, we need to obtain the set of all satisfiable assignments of a Boolean function, in which assignments can not imply each other.
160 Single threading the requests through the job spooler eliminates the problem of duplicating physical or virtual resource assignments that can occur if multiple requests are processed simultaneously.
161 The assignments culminate a 15 - to 20 - page final paper of publishable quality in a peer - reviewed journal.
162 Setting up an MPP system can be complicated, since it requires a lot of planning when it comes to parceling system resources and work assignments among processors (remember, nothing is shared).
163 Each class involved hours of sitting at the computer reading teacher assignments, student comments and composing answers and comments of my own.
164 Because of his showiness we cannot trust him with any important assignments.
165 Out - of - range assignments often result in the target variable getting the highest value in its range.
166 Conger joined National Geographic as a staff photographer in 1959 and worked on assignments all over Europe, Asia, and the United States.
167 Claiming to be ordinary and lazy(, Mrs. Sephton is still working hard daily at her assignments.
168 Much of their work is marked by a computer programme Computer - marked assignments.
169 With the times developing and the need of education, project assignments came into being as a new-model study activity, different from the traditional assignment.
170 How do you go about assigning and scheduling projects and assignments?
171 Each business term in the Mapping Perspective has an assigned asset to the actual physical segment table field, if you had chosen to create asset assignments when generating the Initiate glossary.
172 This course includes writing assignments exploring aspects of American concert dance.
173 Article 2 The term "audit planning" mentioned herein refers to the overall arrangement of audit assignments and special audit investigations made by audit institutions on a yearly basis.
174 The following outlines approximate due dates and descriptions for the assignments.
175 Try to prioritize these assignments in order of their importance.
176 Accomplish other assignments, including annual budgeting process,[] completing annual standard cost revision and inventory revaluation.
177 Assignments include problem sets and written discussions of macroeconomic events.
178 On most assignments, one of the first tasks is to hire car.
179 Smart Completion works at the right-hand side of assignments, filtering the list of methods and variables to match the expected type of expression.
180 Does your supervisor hem and haw when you ask for long - term assignments?
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