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UNSC in a sentence

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Sentence count:8Posted:2018-10-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: unscrewrun scaredunscathedsunscreenunscrambleunscalableunscheduledunschooled
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1 The resolution of UNSC stated that this area is a nonnuclear area.
2 The UNSC vessel erupted from inside, reactor overload and single nuclear warhead detonated inact of self - destruction.
3 The UNSC battle group maneuvered behind the moon, denying the enemy a clean line of fire.
4 The UNSC prowler Dusk hovered in the shadow zone of the fourth planet's moon.
5 Meeting in a special session September 24, the 15-member Security Council adopted UNSC Resolution 1887 without objection.
6 Cho was technically past the mandatory retirement age in the UNSC prowler corps.
7 The United States is involved in ongoing negotiations today at the UNSC -- the U.N.
8 In January Pyongyang, feigning anger at the latest unanimous censure from the UNSC, as good as confirmed this.
More similar words: unscrewrun scaredunscathedsunscreenunscrambleunscalableunscheduledunschooledunscriptedunscientificunscrupulousunscrupulouslyunscientificallynscmenschinscapelens cappinscherin schoolon-screenensconcedownscaleinscribewainscottranscodeconscriptinscribedtranscendconsciouson schedule
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