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Sara in a sentence

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Sentence count:192+7Posted:2017-10-31Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: samsarasaratogaas sharp as a razorsarisareetsarsarongquasar
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(91) The surgeon told reporters that Sara was making good progress after the heart transplant.
(92) Sara gave a big involuntary sigh and returned to her hairpins and rollers.
(93) He had made the offer to buy Sara out on impulse.
(94) They went on to the shelf behind his chair, between the photographs of Sara and of the two boys.
(95) Sara went about her business, more troubled than ever about Jenny's imminent arrival.
(96) But nowhere in the throng could Sara see Jenny's fair hair and slender figure.
(97) Though not yet 15, Sara knows her own mind, and has already decided on a career.
(98) But by now he was less than happy with his wife Sara Fricker, and his eye was roving.
(99) Lizzie was an expert and Sara knew little about cookery.
(100) Sara, watching, and listening to him, felt her heart expand with sweetness.
(101) He skirted the spruce plantation and supposed that at some point he should tell Sara about it.
(102) It was the day after the barbecue and Sara was reminded that it was here yesterday she had met Matthew.
(103) Sara is looking for a job in advertising or the media.
(104) Sara, beautiful Sara, appeared in the accounts as the manageress.
(105) She's a good player but she'll meet her match when she plays Sara.
(106) Sara hated to think of how she herself must appear with her face devoid of make-up and her hair tumbled.
(107) Sara did not reply; she was too hungry to spare any attention from her food.
(108) When Sara was 7,( Aunt Maggie became her legal guardian.
(109) I had a girlfriend at school - Sara, her name was.
(110) Sara ignored them as the boat chugged out to sea; soon the harbour and the cliffs were a long way away.
(111) Sara had letters to people who owned polo ponies and valuable land for development.
(112) Aunt Alicia found solace in the little Sara,[] as bubbly and zestful as her nephew had been.
(113) Sara discovered that they were to travel in two large buses which were parked outside the house.
(114) Sara felt slightly sick, but there was no point in wading deeper into the morass.
(115) Sara identified the man as Kang, a notorious gang leader and drug baron.
(116) I heard Sara got married last week.
(117) Sara is getting cold feet about her upcoming wedding.
(118) Sara Sidle: What do you think caused these marks?
(119) Sara was excited to see the rock band.
(120) Sara has explained the application process to me.
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