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ITU in a sentence

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Sentence count:35Posted:2018-10-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: sit uptitussit-uphit upsitusritualin-situin situ
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31, Link Access Procedure for Frame Mode Services (LAPF), as defined in ITU Q. 922, is an enhanced LAPD (Q. 921) with congestion control capabilities for Frame Mode Services in the Frame Relay network.
32, The coder and decoder adopt G732.1 recommendation, which is a standard of low bit-rate voice codec, proposed by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).
33, The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) recommends a maximum 150-millisecond one-way end-to-end delay.
34, Asynchronous Transfer Mode is defined as transfer mode for B - ISDN by ITU - T .
35, "Satellite communication and TV signals are not to be interfered with by any technical means or out of any motivation, " Roger Smith, an official of the ITU Radiocommunication Sector said.
More similar words: sit uptitussit-uphit upsitusritualin-situin situspit upwait upcoitusvomituscubitussituatetitulartacitussplit uprituallybitumenliturgyhabitusham it updetrituslatitudelive it upsolitudefinitudehabitudehabitualfortitude
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