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ITU in a sentence

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Sentence count:35Posted:2018-10-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: sit uptitussit-uphit upsitusritualin-situin situ
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1, Karena itu dia juga sering bertugas mengasuh Info Musika.
2, ITU comes out with Group 3 recommendation on fax.
3, Tapi bukankah membaca itu sebuah perjuangan.
4, Tapi itu urusan masing-masing media lah.
5, HRW juga menyaksikan serangan itu secara langsung.
6, Tapi saya secara sadar meniru dua orang itu .
7, Tapi apa gagasan anggota parlemen itu bisa dijalankan?
8, Pada intinya, pasokan RSS itu adalah halaman situs yang dirancang untuk dibaca oleh komputer.
9, The ITU, part of the United Nations, compared access, use and skills in one hundred fifty-two countries.
10, Patut diketahui, semua cerpen itu pernah dimuat sejumlah media massa sebelum akhirnya dibukukan.
11, In December 2007, GEO and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) signed an agreement to strengthen cooperation on satellite remote sensing, especially for disaster preparedness and response.
12, Signal Transfer Point Code 2 ( ITU - T 14 b ) _ The STP Point Code 2.
13, Dalam hal itu, anda bisa menggunakan versi grafik rendah' dari situs ini.
14, The issue by the International Telecommunications Union ( ITU ) is a standard applicable to multimedia communications.
15, A new mobile phone charger that will work with any handset has been approved by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a United Nations body.
16, This field specifies the first value in the ITU - T 14 - bIt'sTP point code.
17, International Telecommunications Union, ITU Recommendation Z.100: Specification and Description Language (SDL), (08/02), ITU-T,[] 2002.
18, International Telecommunications Union, ITU Recommendation Z.120: Message Sequence Chart (MSC), (04/04), ITU-T, 2004.
19, Tapi kalau soalnya minta uang muka, maka sistem itu tak akan banyak gunanya.
20, Other countries want to give a UN agency, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a supervisory role.
21, This Recommendation describes the testing procedures for ITU Digital Subscriber Line ( DSL ) Recommendations.
22, Signal Transfer Point Code 1 ( ITU - T 14 b ) _ The STP Point Code 1.
23, An ITU standard for packet-switching networks. It specifies network protocols of the layers 1, 2, and 3 in the OSI Reference Model.
24, The next ITU Triathlon World Cup event takes place in Cancun, Mexico on September 27.
25, International Telecommunications Union (ITU) rules state that after submitting a proposal to use a frequency, a satellite must be in orbit and using that part of the spectrum within seven years.
26, It is recommended to the telecom department all over the world by the ITU, but it is difficult to realize in real time because of the high algorithmic complexity.
27, Using large scale integrated circuit, a ADSL user terminal according to the ITU G. 992.2 standard is designed, the RFC2364 and RFC1483 as drivers are implemented.
28, In recent years, the focus of working-out standard of ITU (International Telecommunications Union) is switching to working-out multimedia communication system standard based on packet.
29, Tapi teater aslinya tidak banyak berubah, saya senang bisa mengatakan bahwa ukuran studio itu disukai oleh pemirsa.
30, In the context of CCITT an administration ( member of ITU ) or a Recognized Private Operating Agency.
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