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G. in a sentence

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Sentence count:137+1Posted:2018-10-01Updated:2020-07-24
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31. This can often be balanced by temporary exposure of skin, e.g. lowering an anorak hood or removing one or both gloves.
32. Richard G.. Lugar of Indiana, who has made it clear he will vote for Lake.
33. Other fragmentary legislation is to be found in recent years, e.g. the Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975.
34. Does the patient receive any services, e.g. district nurse; home help.
35. It delivered on average 16. 92 m. p. g. over about 400 measured miles of mixed driving, not great.
36. To familiarize pupils with the use of outside databases e.g. Prestel. 4.
37. Understand and use simple rates; e.g. £ per hour, miles per gallon. Read meters and dials of various types.
38. The value of graphic material is to attract attention and convey information in a summarised form, e.g. cell division.
38. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
39. This development was usually formally fallacious, as the philosopher G. E. Moore pointed out.
40. It may also be possible to promote rest by teaching some specific relaxation technique, e.g. deep breathing, yoga.
41. National mutual funds were among the biggest buyers, according to an underwriter at A. G. Edwards.
42. Gen Larry G.. Smith, who was on track to become the deputy inspector general of the Army.
43. E.g.: A specific phoneme may have several different variants depending on the phonetic environment in which it occurs.
44. But G.G. Gallup's mirror experiments, from the mid-1970s, are a particular favourite of those prowling for overt evidence.
45. Cruciform plan with dome over the crossing and often over each arm also, e.g. S. Mark, Venice. 3.
46. The idea of a complex structure can be applied to equipment manufactured by different suppliers, e.g. central heating boilers.
47. The financial statement will be ready for the A.G.M. The donations from the general public show a decrease on previous years.
48. In some cases items may be specified on the policy as a pair or a set e.g. a pair of earrings.
49. Do you need to be near to something e.g. schools, college, work, family, medical services? 3.
50. I recall that one young fellow was particularly interested in H. G. Wells.
51. Volume 2 deals with general idioms e.g. keep the ball rolling, the proof of the pudding.
52. Whether they have appeared as part of the C. and A.G.'s audit is a moot point.
53. These formed the topic of a classic study by G. K. Gilbert published in 1877.
54. The basis of their programme is clearly outlined in an inaugural lecture given by G. H. Bantock at Leicester in 1965.
55. This gives the spelling of words not always included in other dictionaries, e.g. kidnapped.
56. The euro-bond market Euro-bonds are issued by corporations, governments and international agencies, e.g. World Bank.
57. When consultation rates are matched against incapacity rates, there is evidence that lower income patients under-utilise G.P. services ....
58. Hargreaves couldn't believe his luck when G.G. MacPhee reliably informed him it hadn't been climbed.
59. G., was killed March 9 in a Los Angeles drive-by shooting.
60. Several chapters cover the basics of clean room technology, e.g., lithography, etching and layer deposition techniques.
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