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G. in a sentence

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Sentence count:137+1Posted:2018-10-01Updated:2020-07-24
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61. Due to a number of factors, e.g. inflation and current account imbalances, the fixed exchange rate system collapsed in March 1973.
62. The boundaries of physics constantly change as new discoveries are made, e.g. the discovery of new fundamental particles.
63. L.G. rather deprecated that saying he was not in love with it.
64. The C.E. G.B. case demonstrates that consent will not always protect against possible criminal charges being brought.
65. The G.L.C. could not use its grant making powers to achieve a social policy which was inconsistent with these obligations.
66. It is a labour of love by Professor A. G. Toth and primarily for specialists.
67. This aggression may be projected on to others, e.g., middle management, or turned back upon himself.
68. E.g. A lorry driver may sustain an injury which will prevent him from ever driving a lorry again.
69. How real are many so-called management posts in schools,[] e.g. deputy heads in primary schools and middle managers in secondary schools?
70. One reason is that there may be efficiency gains from merger, e.g. due to scale economies.
71. Additional reports e.g. showing approved entries and responsible lexicographer, will be produced within one working day when required.
72. Sometimes the party in default makes an offer to put things right, e.g. the seller offers to buy back defective goods.
73. Secondly, the development of Northern technology has resulted in synthetic substitutes for many natural products, e.g. jute and rubber.
74. An example is shown in Appendix G. The data are followed by the code 99999 which signals the end of the package.
75. I've got up again and put on G.P.'s clavichord record.
76. He enjoys gardening and quizzes and his main sporting interests are G.A.A. and golf.
77. Conditions: Some comfort can be obtained by placing certain conditions to the offer e.g. minimum net assets etc.
78. Usually an administrative service[], e.g. notifying all interested parties that a Design Change is awaiting assessment.
79. The regulation of money supply may be used by governments to achieve specific economic objectives, e.g. full employment or price stability.
80. If there is any doubt, the cashier should tactfully try to obtain proof of identity, e.g. passport or driving licence.
81. Firstly, harmonisation of national policies, especially in areas where it offers obvious advantages, e.g. labour mobility.
82. Some language learners also find it easier to hear e.g. a word initial sound at a predictable point in a frame.
83. Mr G. Hearse for a ticket cabinet and a cash donation.
84. Supposing aunt sees us, said G.P. Barber's got the foulest reputation in Cornwall.
85. This does not apply to membership or employment in any public body, e.g., an electricity authority.
86. It is normal to commence proceedings in the local County Court - e.g. for the recovery of a debt.
87. The C. and A. G. is given the responsibility for auditing all appropriation accounts by the 1921 Act.
88. When a glider is on the ground it does not pivot around its c.g. as it does in flight.
89. This afternoon I wanted to ask Caliban to post a letter to G.P. from me.
90. This afternoon I read what I wrote about G.P. the day before yesterday.
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