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G. in a sentence

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Sentence count:137+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-10-01Updated:2020-07-24
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1. Here the music modulates from E to G.
2. Play it on the G string.
3. What does'T. G.' stand for in 'T. G. Smith'?
4. They keep animals, e.g. goats and cattle.
5. Play an F followed by a G.
6. This word goes under G.
7. You should eat more food that contains a lot of fibre, e.g. fruit, vegetables and bread.
8. The names of political parties are always capitalized[ ], e.g. the Green Party.
9. Road fragmentation kills vulnerable species, e.g. barn owls.
10. Yes, people like G.P., for all his faults.
11. G.W. Davidson will be in charge.
12. G.. Kennan wants to call up the National Guard.
13. And she bugs you about H. G. Wells.
14. Cmdr. Gary G. Mahle is the commanding officer here.
15. Rated G.. Toy Story A knockout.
16. Viewpoint, e.g. further down the road; 5.
17. That idiocy about H. G. Wells.
18. Colonel Gary G. Mahle is the commanding officer here.
19. Ideal for rooms with changing humidity, e.g. bathrooms.
20. Flu is most likely to affect you in the autumn and winter, e.g. from October to March.
21. This reflects an aversion which is attached by society to major accidents or dread consequences, e.g. cancer.
22. A new issue number is also added to signify an approved version; e.g. version 01.02C is approved as 01.02.
23. In the morning they will journey together to G.Q.G. Meanwhile the night imposes its own duties.
24. Perform a private lap dance for him where standard club rules apply, e.g. the audience can look but not touch.
25. In product-costing Kaplan tends to emphasize cost-drivers in terms of outputs from activities, e.g. number of set-ups.
26. But such people are abstemious in many other ways, e.g. they do not drink tea.
27. Second, support can be drawn from related disciplines where psychodynamic methods enjoy considerable influence, e.g. psychiatry.
28. At the end of this phrase, the music modulates from C to G.
29. At this point the players have to modulate from E to G.
30. I unpacked all the things he'd bought. First of all, there was G.P.'s picture.
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