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G. in a sentence

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Sentence count:137+1Posted:2018-10-01Updated:2020-07-24
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121. Allow data type demotion ( e . g. 32 bit integer to 16 bit integer ).
122. Conidium ( conidiospore ) ( pl . conidia ) An asexual spore of certain fungi Ascomycota and Fungi Anamorphici e . g.
123. In 1977, convicted conspirator G. Gordon Liddy was released from prison after more than four years.
124. In this sense I find the autobiographies of Rudyard Kipling and G K Chesterton disappointing.
125. G. M. has stated it will go cold turkey on incentives, and it has.
126. Our other white knight was G. William Miller , secretary of the treasury.
127. If you are just feeling week , use 15 g Korean ginseng instead of American ginseng.
128. Softwood pulp: Pulp made from softwood ( coniferous ) trees, e . g. fir. pine,[] spruce . As distinct from Hardwood pulp.
129. The utilization feasibility of the roots and stem of saline Allium chinense G.
130. Objective To explore a modificatory method for diplaying chromosome G - banding.
131. PC . Powermesh garter belt with lace trim, includes G - string.
132. Forced diuresis e . g . management of barbiturate poisoning.
133. Chrysanthemum Tea Dandelion: Dandelion ( dried ) 15 g, chrysanthemum 10 g, tea 10 g.
134. A selection of correspondence from P G Wodehouse realised £ 1,232. P.G.
135. Winner of G 4 Video Game Vixen for Dressed to Kill even though she hardly wears anything.
136. Pulp made from softwood ( coniferous ) trees, e . g. fir. pine spruce . As distinct from pulp.
137. Knowledge on high voltage equipment, e . g. transformer, switch changer, etc.
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