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90 in a sentence

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Sentence count:282+21Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. the cardinal number that is the product of ten and nine. adj. being ten more than eighty. 
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151. Coming into the game, the third-string rookie running back had run for only 90 yards on 31 carries.
152. In the 90 years following its discovery in 1875 only 5 t was recovered.
153. Sixty to 90 minutes before their deaths, Greenhow was seen making a telephone call from a Shasta County pay phone.
154. The national brewers account for more than 90 percent of total lager production.
155. Ian and a friend bagged 90 cod in just two hours in one purple patch.
156. The Future 90 deal is available to borrowers who have £1,000 of county court judgments and three months of mortgage arrears.
157. They learned from their experiments that performing the actual work took in total only 90 minutes.
158. So the total number of dinners on the island is 200,( eaten in the comfort of 90 huts.
159. We have slashed soot and dust emissions by nearly 90 percent.
160. In 1992 almost 70 percent of bank deposits and almost 90 percent of loans were in foreign currencies.
161. He also asked his bioethics advisory panel to conduct a full review and report back to him in 90 days.
162. Electricity produced by radioactive isotopes, strontium 90, polonium 210, by thermoelectric energy conversion.
163. How much extra energy is consumed in pulverizing the coal to say 90 percent through 320 mesh? 2.
164. Why do experts estimate 90 million adults in our computerized age have trouble reading and writing?
165. Livestock, in the form of beef cattle and sheep, accounted for about 90% of the income.
166. On analysis it was found to be composed of 90.26% copper and 9.16% tin, with a loss of 0.13%.
167. Two garden seats went at £155; a Vienna wall clock made £190 and a school clock £90.
168. The Commodity Research Bureau index dropped 2. 33 points to 242. 90.
169. As an epilogue at the end of the film explains, Letterman was No. 1 in late night for 90 weeks.
170. In some cases, more than 90 percent of the eggs hatching from clutches were females.
171. But 90 per cent of the cast make like they're auditioning for the next Pink Panther movie.
172. State residents would be covered for medical care provided out-of-state for up to 90 days of travel a year.
173. The latest round of layoffs will cost the company $ 90 million to $ 100 million in one-time charges this quarter.
174. It said, however, that it would maintain its 2001 earnings target of $ 2.80 to $ 2.90 a share.
175. This force, under my command, consisted of 36 fighters, 54 dive bombers, and 90 level bombers.
176. The two companies say Imax has captured up to 90 percent of the market.
177. Its work force buckles under the 90, 000-prisoner caseload, as about 150 prosecution investigators struggle with some 600 cases each.
178. Approximately 90% of deaths from lung cancer and bronchitis are caused by smoking.
179. These were grouped into four sets of four placed at 90 intervals round the circumference of the module.
180. More than 90 countries drafted a treaty in September that would ban export and use of anti-personnel mines.
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