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90 in a sentence

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Sentence count:282+21Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. the cardinal number that is the product of ten and nine. adj. being ten more than eighty. 
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181. She is now unable to work and receives benefits, including invalidity benefit, amounting to approximately £90.00 per week.
182. The worst bear market lasted from September 1929 through July 1932, when stocks plunged about 90 percent.
183. They compared the finger and palm prints of 64 healthy adult males and 90 males with duodenal ulcers.
184. Mr Koizumi is the centre of a virtual personality cult in his homeland, with support ratings of almost 90 %.
185. About 90 percent of the ravers were still dancing enthusiastically when closedown finally came.
186. Special silencers on the drier and 90 elbows reflect the noise for houses only 200m away.
187. We may conclude, for example(, that 90 percent. of convictions were factually correct.
188. Koa Oil Co., a refiner affiliated with Nippon Oil, gained 90 yen to 970 yen.
189. Depending on use, these will last for between 60 and 90 minutes of continuous operation.
190. Both cells will see movement to the right but the direction seen will vary by 90 degrees.
191. On June 7 the Cabinet approved the 1989/90 draft socio-economic development plan as part of the second five-year national development plan.
192. To avoid further damage to sensitive ecosystems, sulphur and nitrogen oxide emissions must be cut by 90 percent.
193. Single person's allowance up £90 to £2425; married man's allowance up to £3795.
194. The newly inserted clause in the lease required a tenant to vacate the premises on 90 days notice.
195. Many companies distribute their disks through Transend for you to try out for up to 90 days.
196. The six firms account for about 90 percent of the Brady bond volume.
197. Most government agencies provide up to 90 percent cover, with the exporter carrying the balance of risk himself.
198. The standard requires detectors to sound before carbon monoxide levels exceed 100 parts per million for 90 minutes.
199. A spending breakdown shows the average household spends £47.70 on food, £47.40 on housing and £42.90 on transport.
200. Unused tablets were counted, allowing compliance with treatment to be estimated at greater than 90% in all patients.
201. This adds up to £109.70, some £54.90 above the applicable amount, and 70 percent of that is £38.43.
202. Carlsbro Sherwood 90, acoustic combo, £150, Marshall practice amp, £45.
203. More than 90 percent of them said they would support new legislation to ensure higher energy-efficiency standards in household appliances.
204. Regrouping at the Colonel's command post began around 0300 hours, 90 minutes after landing.
205. Condensing the novel into a 90 minute script was a daunting task.
206. About 90 percent of wildflower-rich meadows have disappeared since the Second World War due to intensive agriculture and drainage.
207. Of the 26,000 carats of diamonds dispatched, over 23,000 carats were recovered, a success rate of over 90%.
208. The average cost of a Bryant home was cut from £90,000 to £86,000 last year.
209. Some 90 percent of government debt is financed from domestic savings, leaving little capital spare for stocks.
210. The former president, now 90 and stricken with Alzheimer's disease, also won't attend the ceremony.
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