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65th in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2018-08-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: 5th15th25thMeaning: adj. the ordinal number of sixty-five in counting order. 
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1. Wen will address the general debate of the 65th session of the UN General Assembly on Thursday.
2. It gives me great pleasure to attend the 65th Commission Session of the United Nations Economic and Social Committee for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).
3. Their current rankings — Giraldo is 60th, Falla 65th — are a result of that training. "A dream come true," Giraldo said.
4. This year's event comes on the 65th anniversary of what Americans call V-J Day , marking the victory over Japan that ended the war in 1945.
5. Torres is currently placed 65th in the Castrol Rankings, while Tevez is 17th and Fabregas 40th.
6. The Japanese city of Hiroshima is marking the 65th anniversary of the world's first atomic bomb attack.
7. People arrive to attend ceremonies marking the 65th anniversary of liberation of the notorious Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi death camp in Poland.
8. The drawings of the notoriously brutal camp are being shown ahead of the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and will be the first time they have been seen by a wide audience.
9. Russian approved a draft resolution declaring amnesty for 100 to 200 criminals on the occasion of the 65th Victory anniversary in the Great Patriotic War, Itar-Tass reported.
10. Katie was in the company of the First Couple attending the 65th anniversary of the D-Day landing in France when her boyfriend made his surprise move.
11. Veterans of the invasion came to the Netherlands for the 65th anniversary of the Allied Forces Operation Market Garden.
12. He learned that the office had been told by city leaders to produce a show in 2010 for the 65th anniversary of the Japanese defeat.
13. UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown renamed the famed Omaha beach "Obama beach" in a slip-up while giving a speech to mark the 65th anniversary of the D-day landings in France Saturday (see photo).
14. And in the UK, Drayton Manor Park, home of Europe's Thomas Land, will round off the year with the ultimate 65th anniversary event on December 4th.
14. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
15. An announcement by the ruling Workers' Party of Korea says it hopes to make "great changes" as it marks its 65th anniversary this year.
16. Last week the UK had just celebrated its Victory over Japan Day; and China would soon mark the 65th anniversary of its victory against Japanese aggression.
17. Cheng said that this year China and Russia will jointly celebrate the 65th anniversary of the anti-fascist war.
18. They will also issue a joint statement on the 65th anniversary of the end of the Second World War between the two heads of state.
19. Porcelain enamel suppliers and end users from around the world will gather in Nashville, Tenn. , May 12-15, 2003, for the 65th PEI Technical Forum, hosted by the Porcelain Enamel Institute (PEI).
20. There have been any number of emotional and stirring stories coming out of France this weekend as the world commemorates the 65th anniversary of D-Day.
21. White House officials said September 20 that Obama's planned two-hour meeting with the ASEAN leaders was expected to be his longest while he was in New York for the 65th U.N. General Assembly.
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