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39 in a sentence

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Sentence count:222+3Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being nine more than thirty. 
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31. I can tell if some one contradicts themselves 39.
32. Arizona has 39 delegates in a winner-take-all primary.
33. Navel oranges are only 39 cents a pound.
34. Alan Bannister, 39, said in a final statement.
35. The company has launched 39 satellites so far.
36. Cotton shirt, £39.50, Thomas Pink. Silk tie, £55, Gucci.
37. Oranges are 39 cents per pound.
38. The survey found that 39% of British women are faithful to one partner over a lifetime.
39. Millionaire businessman Mark, 39(, and his Texan wife Diane are expecting a baby in the spring.
40. Kirk McLean made 39 saves as the Rangers lost their third straight game.
41. The latest nationwide survey showed Clinton defeating Dole 56 percent to 39 percent in a hypothetical two-way race.
42. The 47 death row inmates awaiting execution for crimes they committed as minors reflect a 39 percent increase since 1983.
43. Oslo: The government's 1990 budget proposals had little effect, with the index slipping 2.39 to 515.81 in moderate trade.
44. The ruling party won 103 mayorships, the leftist Democratic Revolution party took 59, and center-right National Action won 39.
45. Karpov, who is still loyal to the regime, in so far as there is one, is 39.
46. Mr Mayer, 39 years old, was previously corporate controller of Host Marriott Corp.
47. Victoria Wine Chablis 1987, £6.39; this too has kept its crisp, nutty, lemony character.
48. But two years later, that figure has plummeted to 39 percent.
49. Fourth-quarter earnings rose to 45 cents a share from 39 cents.
50. Forbes, 25, had one assist and 31 penalty minutes in 39 games for the Senators this season.
51. Thirty-two of the top 39 First Interstate executives received two-to three-times their annual pay as severance benefits.
52. The sea level will rise by about 14 inches instead of 39. -AP.
53. And the natty duds and the good rocking tonight. 39.
54. A huge and devoted group of followers pay $ 39 a head to attend her motivational hotel seminars.
55. The Blues scored on a penalty shot after Scott Hannan pulled down Reasoner at 6: 39 of the first period.
56. By the close, Surrey had stretched their advantage by another 39 with all second winnings wickets intact.
57. The Dow Jones Transportation Average halted three days of declines, rising as much as 9. 39 to 1905. 34.
58. First Call listed a consensus estimate of 39 cents for the single-family home builder.
59. Six issues cost $ 39, and new and back issues are available.
60. Currently there are 39 signatories, of whom 25 have scientific research programmes on the continent.
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