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Wu in a sentence

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Sentence count:256Posted:2018-09-19Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. a dialect of Chinese spoken in the Yangtze delta. 
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121. The Oregonian later reported that an 18-year-old woman left a distraught voicemail for Wu, accusing him of an "aggressive" sexual encounter.
122. Rather it was (and still is) Wu Dawei, an older man, whom he called China's "most incompetent official", and the American scribe summed up as "an arrogant, Marx-spouting former Red Guard".
123. Either in the authorized history or in the famous novel The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Wu is always put in a lower rank than Shu.
124. The Suo promise pours is don't think Wu, duck hawk the generally sharp look for the eyes is orthoptic I, the cold idea in the vision and sharp point seem to wear deeply public.
125. However, by drinking the Wu Yi green tea this is quite achievable.
126. The endowing ceremony was presided by vice president of PKU Wu Zhipan.
127. Wu Sun - fu was unable to repress a sudden burst of laughter.
128. As an important medium of Wu culture, Wu dialect is passed down from generation to generation witnessing the development and changes of society,[] history and nationalities in Wu locality.
129. Mr Wu, ironically, writes admiringly on his blog of Wen Jiabao 's common touch.
130. The tiger says: Is you think you have a young ruffian Wu Song?
131. He felt more like crying, for Wu Sun - fu's smile cut him to the quick.
132. This is the full version MV of Gary Chaw's song "Innocence(Wu Gu)" from his latest album Super Sunshine. Support good music, support Gary Chaw.
133. In 2001, Wu Tongchun personal Nebular Art Exhibition was held in Nanjing at the Purple Mountain Observatory.
134. Mont scholars in Chinese dialectology believe that the northern border of ancient Wu dialect is Huai River.
135. This plant expert helped develop a new version of a fruit that now carries his name, the Bing cherry. Or, you can learn about Chien-Shiung Wu.
136. On August 19, Chairman Wu Bangguo of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) met with Bangladeshi Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia in the Great Hall of the People.
137. The period between 495 BC and 473 BC, the boundary line of Wu and Chu is stable.
138. The Wu family is taking a week - long cruise in the Bahamas.
139. Wu dialect, Min dialect, Cantonese, Xiang dialect, Gan dialect, Hui dialect, Jin dialect, Pinghua dialect.
140. Gu Wu, who runs a company exporting radio-controlled toy cars from Shenzhen, says export orders have started to pick up since September.
141. Inside the car, Wu Sun - fu's heart was pounding violently.
142. It was ready by Thanksgiving, when Mr. Wu, who is 5-foot-7, flew to Chicago, carrying the floor-length gown in a garment bag on his lap and hand-delivered it to Ms. Goldman.
143. However, the Wu Qi now, economy flies, samite of mountains and rivers - land.
144. " As for detained American human rights activist Harry Wu Hongda, Qian said the case had "no links to Sino-U.S. ties.
145. In the 19th century Guizhou, St. Peter Wu, St. Joseph Zhang and St. Augustine Zhao became believers and eventually martyrs for their love of the faith.
146. The glazed eyes stirred and Wu Sun - fu brought up a gobbet of phlegm.
147. At this time, the tiger leaping out of Wu Song killed a tiger will strike back.
148. Wu, whose home office is plastered with photos of Mao, believes the founder of Communist China would have supported Wu's choices once he saw they worked.
149. Wu zetian for daughter, cover XueShao married facts, secretly gave the huygens XueShao dead wife.
150. By ten the fiver is broader. Steaming with the swift torrent, we leave Wu Gorge.
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