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Wu in a sentence

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Sentence count:256Posted:2018-09-19Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. a dialect of Chinese spoken in the Yangtze delta. 
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91. The Tang, Jing and Modern samples were made in oxidicatmosphere, but the sample of Wu dynasty was made in oxidic atmosphere in first and then in reducing atmosphere.
92. This thesis mainly discusses the post-positions of Suichang dialect, a Wu dialect.
93. Wu Sike paid a visit to the four countries of Qatar, Algeria, Syria and Iran in the Middle East from July 25 to August 2.
94. Hellcat is full of be ashamed , chen Wu drives a door out of her.
95. That's why Wu ( sorcerer ) and Wu ( dance ) were always connected.
96. Mr wu told us the light and to walk out of the classroom.
96. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
97. History of apiculture of Wu Kelan of general situation of Wu Kelan apiculture is long.
98. Yung - Ping Wu pointed out that a clear focus, the rapid formation of high - pressure strike hard situation.
99. The household tax system of collecting articles by the nine grades families was reflected in the Wu Bamboo Slips excavated in Zhoumalou, Changsha.
100. Tie-dye process in recent years, Phoenix is getting more sophisticated, Zhang, Wu and others tie Huahua its rich content of the work place.
101. This sudden query startled Wu Sun - fu out of his reverie. He looked round and frowned.
102. Ms Wu, with her " large sonic vocabulary ", was uniquely qualified.
103. Storey's diagnosis – what Wu prefers to call late onset hypogonadism "is not inevitable or universal like the female menopause, " he insists.
104. These include the Northern dialect dialect, Wu dialect, Hunan dialect, Gan dialect, Hakka dialects, Fujian dialect and Cantonese dialects.
105. Local party cadres from across China have taken to visiting Huaxi by the busload, seeking to learn from Wu’s success.
106. " You'll arrange things with the trust company, then , Chi - jen,'said Wu Sun - fu with enthusiasm.
107. The tendency of "Wu Zhi" pronoun coming into being the forbidden adverb was obvious. The last: Disyllabic demonstrative pronoun has been coming to be more and more popular.
108. Wu Wenhui says. 2008, the income of user paying fee of start Chinese net has many yuan 6000, and occupy 70% macrocephalic among them many yuan 4000, was extended completely again the authors of start.
109. Some embedded inequalities of eigenfunction polynomials are presented and error transformations in polynomial approximation are dealt with by using Wu Xuemou's MSP Transforming Principle.
110. Objective To prove the long history of "Wu -He" dipsacus root in Wufeng county and Hefeng county which is affected by its special geographical and ecological environment.
111. Lo-fi Louis: Miss Wu also fashioned a Vuitton wallet in the meat product.
112. Though Wu dialect is a hot research subject, little attention is paid to the dialect of Changshu which is a county of Wu area.
113. This proposition was greeted with an immediate outcry of protest from Chang Su - su and Wu Chih - sheng.
114. Improved CMS line of Wu Ta Tsai was similar to its recurrent parent in economic traits with backcross generation, but it has severe selfed depression.
115. Cao Cao tried to ally with the kingdom of Wu, which was currently ruled by Sun Quan, in an attempt to get rid of Liu Bei once for all. But, Wu refused.
116. Work on the high-speed rail link between Beijing and Shanghai will start anytime soon, Shanghai Railway Administration director Wu Qiang said Thursday.
117. Carson H . Wu was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan.
118. Wu Sun - fu stopped and fixed his sharp eyes unwaveringly on Tu Chu - chai's goat - like face.
119. The parliamentary chairman, Wu Bangguo, used the occasion to launch a lengthy tirade against Western - style democracy.
120. The synopsis of Boolean operation's research status quo is offered, and a Boolean operation algorithm based on inner point recognition on the basis of Wu Yunxing's edge recognition is put forward.
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