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Wu in a sentence

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Sentence count:256Posted:2018-09-19Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. a dialect of Chinese spoken in the Yangtze delta. 
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61. Athens Olympic Games in the women's 3 m diving board - bombs and double ( with Wu Minxia cooperation ) champion.
62. By using the monopole harmonics, which were studied by Yang and Wu, we solve the stationary state problems of the exotic atoms, which contain the magnetic monopole and different elementary particles.
63. Besides, Mi Wu is regarded as one of the pioneers of comparative literature in China.
64. Self Descriotion: Take in charge of Wu Gang enterprise management, reform and legal affairs.
65. These characteristics are closely near with the three personal pronouns of modern Wu dialect.
66. The State of Wu always covetously eyed the State of Zhao.
66. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
67. The effect on Wu Sun - fu's anger was to pour oil on the flames.
68. Wu renyao: you ask for my car and for my motorbike. Are you extortionate?
69. The activity of mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes in myocardium and brain tissues were determined by methods of Wu etc.
70. Wu continues to plead not guilty to other charges of embezzlement and bribery.
71. Dr. Silver said Li Wu, Assistant General Manager of the Department, not to engage in finger-threshold, but to strengthen the capacity of lender credit repayment capacity and continuing review.
72. “Like many Italian and Chinese Catholics, I have prayed for the canonization of Fr Ricci and his closest Chinese friend Xu Guangqi, who was the first Catholic in Shanghai,” Wu added.
73. China will make concerted efforts with Venezuela to turn bilateral relations into a model for equality, reciprocity and sincere cooperation among developing countries, noted Wu.
74. His first act as president was to dispatch Wu Poh-hsiung, chairman of the Nationalist Party, to meet with the Chinese Communist Party chairman, Hu Jintao.
75. Bail for Xiao Li Shan and Wu Jiu Hua, the two former Collum managers, has been reinstated after the pair successfully appealed last week against a decision to revoke it.
76. The light of victory shone in Wu Sun - fu's eyes, and he rubbed his hands with glee.
77. Therefore, Wu Jie and funeral home less than gui zang Hechi days.
78. Known to villagers and his children alike as "Lao Shuji, " or Old Secretary, Wu has a genial, grandfatherly demeanor that belies a hardheaded steeliness.
79. Wu is widely deemed a quick-witted, experienced administrator of affairs on the island.
80. Mr Li, Mrs Chen and Mr Wu are waiting for us in the dance hall.
81. Mrs. Wu Sun - fu had sprung up and called after him in a quavering voice.
82. Constantly moving through, Tim builtzhen wu miao gradually formed a larger group of Taoist building.
83. Later Mrs. Wu revealed her formless body before me, alive and much younger looking.
84. This is to certify that Stephen Wu of Toptail Labradors has made a significant contribution to the Hyogo Guide Dog Association.
85. This paper mainly researches the interaction process among the Wu dialect, Nanjing dialect and Putonghua. And it emphatically describes the general appearance of the Putonghua with Wu accent.
86. Was a financial manager of foreign banks Wu think so.
87. When Liang Mou gives the clinical thermometer Wu, Wu is much more anxious, this lets Liang Mou not know whether to laugh or cry.
88. With an artificial chloroplast outer layer, designer Wu Peng's Power Cyton could aptly be named Leaf if only that badge weren't already taken.
89. The household tax system set up by Kingdom Wei was succeeded by the Northern Dynasties, and Han's system, modified on the basis of Kingdom Wei, was continued by Kingdom Wu.
90. City Wu Shu from Taiyuan Airport 15 kilometers, traffic is very convenient.
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