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Wu in a sentence

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Sentence count:256Posted:2018-09-19Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. a dialect of Chinese spoken in the Yangtze delta. 
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31. Fan Po - wen gave a silent and evasive nod, but Wu Chihsheng pressed him further, " Really alone? "
32. Moreover, some tiny Chu Wu the standard can deposIt'some pocket money and highway's charge card.
33. Kim Chang - chu - ride away, one by one young person, Wu Weigela hook.
34. The religious dance originated from the Wu ( Sorcery ) Dance of the primitive society.
35. "This is a very serious and impressive commitment, " says Wu Shanghua, China director for the Climate Group, an international nongovernmental organization promoting low-carbon development.
36. Professor Wu Hanxiang is a nationally famous senior physician and has an abundance of of successful experience in dealing with hematopathy for decades of years.
37. Stamp duty ticket: Stamp duty ticket is the duty paid proof of pay stamp duty,[] by national tax Wu total bureau is in charge of supervise the manufacture of.
38. The Chinese community in New York held a dinner to welcome KMT Chief Secretary Wu Den - Yih.
39. But it Hoolock Wu Wen-mei first half of yellow, white and the lower body more and more vertical profile, wing spot and more white, more mottled waist and tail-heavy.
40. " To collect what's left over ,'smiled Wu Sun - fu , his look of despondency vanishing abruptly.
41. Wu is the flora of North China - semi - arid grassland vegetation forest flora Cong.
42. Opium was labelled wu xiang or 'black fragrance' by the editors of Da Ming Huidian, as Yu Zhengxie, a Qing court historiographer, decoded.
43. "We're facing a step-by-step Balkanization of the global Internet, " says Columbia University law professor Tim Wu. "It's becoming a series of national networks."
44. When the action that becomes you is representing Wu of kimono of Dow Jones publication, do not use anonym to have ill-natured story intentionally forever.
45. " And did Chao Po - tao promise him a loan ? " Wu Sun - fu asked.
46. If Mr. Wu got to hear of it, there'd be hell to pay.
47. Through a comparison between Wu Juris poetry and other erotic poems.
48. He had told Tu Chu - chai that Wu Sun - fu's obstinacy and over - confidence would be his downfall.
49. After the successful President Election support, Chairman Wu Poh -hsiung of Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) visited MJ Member Appointed Medical Institute - MJ Clinic to have health screening.
50. The Central Plains of Wu Dynasty, Liao Dynasty, Jin Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty were in the intermediate state from the limited materials.
51. Wu Tongchun's nebular art is expressed by the character of traditional Chinese painting.
52. Wu Zun : I never expected to become an artiste so I didn't like either much.
53. " Bad,'said Wu looking worried and toying with his moustache.
54. Whatever itis, Wu Kong is fly into a temper, which gets him into trouble countless of times.
55. Many abortions are performed in unregistered clinics, according to Wu.
56. The paper also gives some corrections to several theorems and their proofs about the dimension of the modular lattice ih the books" Modern Algebra" by Wu and "Abstract Algebra" by Xu.
57. On September 20, 2005, Chairman Wu Bangguo of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) met with Djiboutian Premier Dileita Mohanmed Dileita in the Great Hall of the People.
58. Wu Sun - fu's irascibility appeared to have abated somewhat , for his frown disappeared.
59. Facing the new requirement and new situation, Wu Ling Mountain area must base its resource superiority to seek development, and the ethnic sports'tourism resource is one of the resource superiority.
60. " Yes , both of us. Yin - chiu's turned over his factory to Wu Sun - fu , lock , stock and barrel.
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