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Wind down in a sentence

  up(1)  down(1)
Sentence count:25+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-12-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: hand downup and downwindowhold downhunkered downwindywind upnight and day
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1 Glass motioned to him to wind down the window.
2 In 1991 the Ada plant began to wind down.
3 We should not wind down our business in Shanghai.
4 I regularly have a drink to wind down.
5 She ran like the wind down the stairs to escape.
6 You will be able to wind down after this examination.
7 I find it difficult to wind down after a day at work.
8 They will wind down the pain.
9 I stopped pushing and let the swing wind down to a stop.
10 The Volvo, whose windows wind down to reveal plush red curtains[], is surrounded by stepladders.
11 Bail arm over, wind down, strike and Rick was soon playing out another cat towards the waiting net.
12 He ran like the wind down the narrow road that went to the Toops' house.
13 It was always easier to wind down at home, in any case.
14 Give yourself time to wind down,[] get your mind off the problems of the day.
15 Business began to wind down as men tacitly awaited the new regime.
16 Wind down from a hellish workweek with these trendy , totally fun tips!
17 The Detroit carmaker said it would now wind down production of the heavy sports utility vehicle.
18 The day was cold with a nipping wind down the northward running streets.
19 This year has been frantically busy for us I need a holiday just to wind down.
20 I haven't even begun to think about quitting, or having a last hurrah, or allowing my career to wind down.
21 When he goes on holiday, it takes him the first couple of days just to wind down.
22 I didn't offer them more coffee, and when they'd gone I mooched around the flat hoping to wind down.
23 Moments later, we saw the Fast on the screen change to West and the numbers began to wind down backwards.
24 If necessary, they may create a special fund to manage and wind down troubled assets.
25 Parthenocissus tricuspidata "feet" like a sucker, like lying in the crevice in tightly, straining lie on the wall, is not easy to wind down, and then extend outward.
More similar words: hand downup and downwindowhold downhunkered downwindywind upnight and daywintwinwingswingshow indraw inwinnerdrawingwinteryowing tothrow inleft wingbillowingright wingfollowingin full swingsewing basketdownfindmindkinddowns
Total 25, 30 Per page  1/1 
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