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Well and truly in a sentence

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Sentence count:50Posted:2017-12-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: trulywell and goodyours trulytried and trueas well aswell-adjustedmagellanunruly
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31. A short wooden sword was clutched in one grimy hand and the boy's shirt had been well and truly ripped.
32. After two weeks, the kids were well and truly converted.
33. They were well and truly beaten!
34. He was well and truly drunk.
35. George is well and truly drunk.
36. The greenhouse effect is well and truly with us.
37. The languid orchestral tutti that opens the work has its calmness well and truly shattered by the clang of Barenboim's fingers.
38. I worry that when and if the recession is well and truly over, there is a serious danger of another round of vicious inflation.
39. They know that Watson wasn't the kind of bumbler he's sometimes been portrayed as. He's well and truly part of the action( ), and I wouldn't have been interested in playing someone who wasn't.
40. Say well and truly, I hope to become a company the milk of human kindness.
41. The dirty weekend is well and truly back in fashion.
42. As for an orator, it is not enough toable to think well and truly.
43. The weather trend that should forecast IT employment well and truly one year is not easy.
44. The tenet and objective of this paper is to understand the meaning of the good faith principle well and truly, and to establish the law status of good faith ulteriorly .
45. When the market is good before, data is a bit more muddleheaded be indifferent to, but we need now more hold these data well and truly.
46. The improved arithmetic can get the firmly result of the channel discrimination as get the best position of symbol synchronization well and truly.
47. Elaine tripped in at four - thirty and George was well and truly asleep.
48. We're thinking sparse, direct to camera, stream-of-consciousness stuff. But only if Gibbo well and truly lets those barriers down.
49. The C3I models of photoelectric interferential system can be well and truly evaluated by simulation of the executable models of CPN.
50. For shareware authors, the era of the free ride is well and truly over.
More similar words: trulywell and goodyours trulytried and trueas well aswell-adjustedmagellanunrulyrepellantappellantmiscellanywell balancedwell-balancedpropellantflagellantAll's well that ends wellmiscellaneoussand trapferdinand magellanround tripround-tripsoundtrackhold trueround-trip ticketproduct rulegastrulationwellswellwellsdwell
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