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Suite in a sentence

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Sentence count:172+6Posted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: cortegeentourageretinueroomsSimilar words: lawsuitpursuitsuitablequitequite a fewguitarequityrecruitMeaning: [swɪːt]  n. 1. a musical composition of several movements only loosely connected 2. apartment consisting of a series of connected rooms used as a living unit (as in a hotel) 3. the group following and attending to some important person 4. a matching set of furniture. 
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121. Each pair of callipers can be adjusted and used in the given size segment, and the suite product series of the precision quantity can be formed.
122. They said she told the grand jury that after the attack she hid in thehallway, but subsequently changed her story to say she cleaned room 2820 andthen began to clean the DSK suite.
123. We were invited to the San Sebastian Suite during our stay, the pearl of this 23, 000 square foot boutique.
124. A suite has several bed bedrooms, a common area and the bath rooms bathroom.
125. AXIS PRO is an integrated software suite of analysis tools.
126. In addition, overlooking the pool area, the luxurious, air-conditioned Rania Suite celebrates traditional Maldivian style in its open-air design,( thatched roofs and white-cushioned sofa swings.
127. OCCI and CDMI leverage the design considerations in the HTTP protocol suite with respect security.
128. The main contribution of the thesis is to describe a protocol suite and an API geared for securing collaborative applications.
129. If you have unlimited space, look for a bedroom suite that comes with a number of pieces, such as an armoire or matching desk and dressing table in addition to a chest and dresser.
130. Furnished in Russian imperial style, the 2,370 sq ft suite has views of famous Moscow sites including the Kremlin and Red Square.
131. This Solution includes a high performance cutter for leather, single and multi-ply fabrics, a digitizer and a Software Suite.
132. hotelicopter lets travelers book directly with hotels by partnering with hotel chains and independent hotels directly via its Hotelier Suite extranet.
133. Huaxing junior high school students currently enjoy one of the highest success rates at the Cambridge Suite Exams like the Key English Test (KET) and the Preliminary English Test (PET).
134. Galactic Suite plans to transport its travelers to space via Russian rockets from a spaceport to be built on a Caribbean island.
135. Ravel's Le Tombeau de Couperin started life as a suite for solo piano but was later reborn in the composer's exquisite orchestration.
136. Ax suite has several bedrooms, a commom common area and a bathroom.
137. General information includes the name, description, and relative file path of the test suite.
138. The Master Bedroom suite is accessed via a polycarbonate clad stair tower that is by day a contemplative space and by night, a lantern.
139. Emerson will also be providing AMST Suite: Intelligent Device Manager predictive maintenance software, which will give operators data from the FOUNDATION fieldbus devices on the network.
140. The suite accuses KBR of having knowingly allowed the soldiers to be exposed to the cancer causing chemical sodium dichromate while they were protecting a Iraq water pumping plant.
141. And there's plenty of excitement in Creative Suite land (XMP is an especially dorky thing that lays the lattice for niftiness, e.g., transcripts and functionality native in video).
142. Wall-E lies on the queen-size bed of the "Paris Suite" at the D Pet Hotel in Hollywood, Calif.
143. You can't use the feature to upgrade a standard suite up to the latest versions -- whatever they may be-- and this stipulation makes the system complex to use in a network environment.
144. Besides, the two parties will pursue other projects such as Open Office, an internationally certified (CC) office suite, and developing Korean language for excellent open software.
145. Designed as a scalable, multi-mission radar system, AMDR is comprised of an X-band, S-band and Radar Suite Controller (RSC).
146. SMC protocol was designed to replace MSEC protocol suite which has been widely deployed in multi-party communication scenario.
147. Prince Bagration turned to the officer of the suite and stared at him with his lustreless eyes in silence.
148. Executive Suite 32 , an area of 38 square meters , with 3.3 square meters balcony , located in the Promenade deck cruise ship , driving the deck , entertainment deck .
149. It has 200 guest rooms, including deluxe standard rooms, deluxe single room, deluxe suite rooms, business standard rooms, business suite rooms and business building.
150. His last industry job was with IBM Rational Software, where he was known as "the RUP Curmudgeon" and was also a member of the original Rational Suite team.
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