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Subscripting in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2024-10-02Updated:2024-10-02
Similar words: subscriptionsubscription pricepublic subscriptionsubscriptshooting scriptascriptioninscriptiondescriptive
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1. This last result can be expressed in a more compact form using the subscript comma notation for space-time derivatives:.
2. Using subscript comma and subscript semicolon notation a standard space-time derivative is written whilst a covariant derivative is written.
3. Avoid subscripting arrays or hashes within loops.
4. So-called "buffer overflow" errors are the result of subscripting elements that don't exist.
5. Our word-counting programs relied on the fact that subscripting a nonexistent element inserts that element and initializes the value to 0.
6. Any operation that can be achieved by array subscripting can also be done with pointers.
7. By subscripting this value[Sentence dictionary], the function can access and alter any argument of the array.
8. When we subscript an array, we are really subscripting a pointer to an element in that array.
9. Not only can the whole variable be read or written to, but portions of data can be accessed as well using NCL's file variable subscripting rules.
10. An additional mailing fee (HK$100/year) is applicable to overseas members for subscripting the Journals and circulars.
More similar words: subscriptionsubscription pricepublic subscriptionsubscriptshooting scriptascriptioninscriptiondescriptivedescriptionprescriptiveproscriptionprescriptionconscriptionsuperscriptiontranscriptiondescriptivelyprescriptivismnonprescriptionmisdescriptionjob descriptiondata descriptioncircumscriptiondescriptive nameprescription drugshape descriptionformal descriptionverbal descriptiondescriptive geometrydescription of goodsproblem description
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