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Striatal in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2024-07-10Updated:2024-07-10
Similar words: striatestriatumstriatedstriationstriated musclecorpus striatumindustrial capitalindustrial capitalism
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1. Aim:To purify bovine striatal dopamine D2 receptor.
2. Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by striatal dopamine depletion, especially in the posterior putamen.
3. Similar to drug-addicted subjects, we found reductions in striatal dopamine D2 receptors in obese subjects.
4. Serotonin was particularly scarce in the striatal area of the brain, which helps coordinate movement.
5. Under basal condition, glutamatergic striatal inputs could stimulate a NO-cGMP pathway in the striatum via NMDA receptors.
6. Exercise also decreased striatal DA transporter and tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity in MPTP - lesioned mice.
7. In addition, ASN activated striatal cytosolic nitric oxide synthase (NOS) by 20%.
8. In striatal neurons where M4Rs are most abundantly expressed, M4RIPs dynamically control M4R activity to maintain a proper cholinergic tone in these neurons.
9. Objective To explore the effect of estrogen on striatal neurons damage in rats induced by quinolinic acid (QA).
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10. Objective To explore the inductive effect of striatal tissue on mouse embryonic stem cells and further analyse the cell source and inductive pattern of this inductive effect.
11. Conclusion Estrogen may have a neuroprotective role on striatal neurons injury induced by QA through decreasing oxidative stress reaction.
12. Conclusion AAV-mediated striatal transgene expression of TH, AADC and GCH is more effective for gene therapy on Parkinsonian rat.
13. As mentioned in the discussion of pathophysiology, their beneficial effect is mainly due to the blocking of striatal acetylcholine receptors.
14. The overall findings demonstrate that long-term, low-dose exposure to PM alone did not cause signs of neurotoxicity to striatal dopaminergic neural terminals, or enhance the effects of MPTP.
15. If there is a bonus in the paycheck, this higher value will be reflected in striatal activity.
16. Objective The mechanism of delaying aging by Polygonum maltiflorum Thunb (PmT)is not clear at present. In this study the influences of PmT on rat striatal dopaminergic D2 receptor were observed.
17. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of brain aging and the role of ASN and NAC peptide on striatal dopamine transporter (DAT) function.
18. AIM To study the effects of dopamine receptor agonists on ethanol induced striatal ascorbic acid(AA) release in rats.
19. Mice lacking the D1 dopamine receptor have small striata and abnormal patterns of expression of various striatal neuropeptides.
20. In MPTP - lesioned mice, exercise increased evoked vesicular DA release in striatal slices, particularly in dorsal striatum.
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