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Stored-up in a sentence

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Sentence count:6Posted:2024-06-01Updated:2024-06-01
Similar words: stored upstoredstore creditstored valuestored-programstore detectivestorestoresMeaning: adj. amassed and put away for future use stored up. adj. amassed and put away for future use. 
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1 The seed leaves contain stored-up food.
2 Coal is sometimes called stored-up sunlight.
3 Often the beloved is only a stimulus for all the stored-up love which has lain quiet within the lover for a long time hitherto.
4 Lengthening your muscles is a great way to relieve stored-up physical and emotional tension. Stretching also makes the body more supple9 , which reduces the risk of injury during activity.
5 This discovery is significant for the relation research of stratum contact, a various of discontinuity, the evolving history of Youjiang basin and the stored-up manganese.
6 Lengthening your muscles is a great way to relieve stored-up physical and emotional tension. Stretching also makes the body more supple, which reduces the risk of injury during activity.
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