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Storeyed in a sentence

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Sentence count:28Posted:2017-12-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: storeymultistoreyeye for eyeclear-eyedthe day before yesterdaystorestoredstoresMeaning: ['stɔːrɪd]  adj. having stories as indicated. 
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(1) The house has three storeys.
(2) Their new house has four storeys including the attic.
(3) The house has two storeys.
(4) There's a nine - storey apartment building next to the bank.
(5) The apartment house where John lives is five stories high and he lives in one of the upper storeys.
(6) The kitchen occupies the lower storey.
(7) The office building is five storeys high.
(8) I live on the top storey.
(9) The building is four storeys high.
(10) At the turn of the century(, Congress imposed/placed a height restriction of 13 storeys on all buildings in Washington.
(11) The proposed new office tower is a steel and glass structure 43 storeys high.
(12) That new multi - storey carpark is a real eyesore.
(13) Tom's sister says he is weak in the upper storey.
(14) That new multi - storey car - park is an utter monstrosity!
(15) It was built in 1864 to the design of a local architect, Peter Ellis, and is of five storeys.
(16) Many of the buildings in the old town were six storeys high and the lanes so narrow that all but pedestrians were banned.
(17) The under storey was planted with hornbeam, hazel[], silver birch and holly.
(18) The two-year scheme involves converting the building, known as Royal Mail House, into 320 apartments across 14 storeys.
(19) The two-year scheme involves converting the 1960s-built Royal Mail House building into 324 apartments across 14 storeys.
(20) They have permission to turn it into a pub, a small office block or a complete three storey office.
(21) The sto tdiuz y about the six - storeyed dormitory aud lls a glorious history.
(22) Go further and you'll see a four - storeyed teaching building standing in the middle of the school.
(23) In front of him stood a two - storeyed house with a light in the window.
(24) Cambridge University Biochemistry Building was a three storeyed red - brick neo - Renaissance structure , plain and unimpressive.
(25) The story about the six - storeyed dormitory tells a glorious history.
(26) Do you live in a bungalow or a storeyed house?
(27) Many people were burnt alive in the conflagration that happened in a multi - storeyed building.
(28) Many people were burnt alive in conflagration that happened in a multi - storeyed building.
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