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Stipulation in a sentence

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Sentence count:95+3Posted:2017-05-29Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: conditionjudicial admissionpreconditionspecificationSimilar words: stipulatemanipulationpopulationmanipulativemanipulatingoverpopulationstimulationgesticulationMeaning: [‚stɪpjə'leɪʃn /-jʊ'l-]  n. 1. (law) an agreement or concession made by parties in a judicial proceeding (or by their attorneys) relating to the business before the court; must be in writing unless they are part of the court record 2. an assumption on which rests the validity or effect of something else 3. a restriction that is insisted upon as a condition for an agreement. 
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31. Does a W. P . A . policy include a deck loading stipulation?
32. We can find that the law-maker also has this opinion from the stipulation of the Chinese Contract Law.
33. There already had systematic and specific stipulation in the traditional civil law regarding to joint ownership which is the elementary problem in real right system.
34. Any contradictory stipulation in previous nullified at the same time.
35. Redeemable stock is issued with the stipulation that the corporation has the right to repurchase it.
36. Most disturbing, the taxpayer will be funding an enormous, ill-defined programme, without any stipulation as yet that the banks who orchestrated the mess will pay a penalty.
37. Through the analysis on the puzzledom of ethical stipulation on modern technology, this paper reveals the process essence for the ethical stipulation on modern technology.
38. Shenhua team 10 yellow 1 red, the participation population many have already surpassed the stipulation 5 people, therefore punishes undisputable to them.
39. Fett agreed, but with an unusual stipulation in his contract.
40. This part analysises the characteristics and the functions of this system from the concept and legislative stipulation of the remanding re-trial in the criminal appeal trial.
41. The government constructs the embankment, river of body width for the coordinate stipulation, is lengthens a bridge body hectometer to the south.
42. It includes the stipulation that the phase spectrum over that range should be a straight line.
43. Perform in with process document to ensure process consistence and compliance with ISO stipulation.
44. Our country criminal law has not refused to report, the false declaration property crime correlation stipulation, is the large amount property which is close with it originates the unclear crime.
45. The Maritime Code of China does not character what the shipping financial leasing is except some principled stipulation to the ship mortgage.
46. The third chapter Customs laws and regulations about illegal obtained present situation stipulation and existence problem analysis.
47. The stipulation which is similar to the Basic Mode Link Control (BMLC) of computer partial network has high reliability and can be transplanted and extended easily.
48. But for college graduates in the downtown area there is a formal work, and have fixed terms of legal residence (, and not affected by this stipulation.
49. In order to avoid nonfeasance or immoral conducts of the independent director, definite stipulation should be made on the liabilities he should assume and on the legal consequences.
50. Most of the disputes are due to careless stipulation of Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits.
51. Assisting in the stipulation of the specification for Industrial Cooperation Programs.
52. The stipulation of visitation right in Chinese law is in principle and probable , so, there are lots of problems appear in our legal practices.
53. The mixing of JS Grout should follow the stipulation 2 in this Construction Method.
54. As a voting right system for shareholders choosing the company manager, the company cumulative voting system origins at first from the constitution stipulation of the state of Illinois[], America.
55. The anther issue is that whether the freight under voyage charter party may be deducted or set-off according to the stipulation in respect of set-off provided by Contract Law.
56. We rented the house on the stipulation that certain rooms should be painted.
57. You can't use the feature to upgrade a standard suite up to the latest versions -- whatever they may be-- and this stipulation makes the system complex to use in a network environment.
58. He left all his money to the town with the stipulation that It'should be used to build a new football stadium.
59. We'll honor your draft when it become due only if all contract stipulation have been duly implement by you.
60. A stipulation of fact was made in order to avoid delay.
More similar words: stipulatemanipulationpopulationmanipulativemanipulatingoverpopulationstimulationgesticulationmanipulatemanipulatorconstipationadulationemulationpopularizationsimulationundulationregulationcoagulationinoculationcalculationspeculationcirculationtribulationaccumulationreticulationderegulationarticulationcapitulationexpostulationmatriculation
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