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Sterling in a sentence

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Sentence count:232+9Posted:2017-04-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: greateststerlingsuperlativeSimilar words: pound sterlingausterlitzsilver liningberlin airliftunderlineborderlineorderlinessafterlifeMeaning: ['stɜrlɪŋ /'stɜːl-]  n. British money; especially the pound sterling as the basic monetary unit of the UK. adj. highest in quality. 
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91. This will increase the demand for sterling on the foreign exchange markets and hence cause an appreciation of the exchange rate.
92. The policy decision was to maintain the sterling area, above all in its 1940 form as a zone of exchange control.
93. The benchmark 5-year sterling swap spread rose 7 basis points to 42 basis points.
94. My husband did not have enough marks to pay the bill, so he offered to pay the equivalent amount in Sterling.
95. For example, if a Gallup poll goes against the Government, sterling starts to shake.
96. The three-month trend shows sterling lending to the private sector averaging only about £1 billion a month.
97. Sterling was caught in the backwash of a run against the dollar.
98. By then, tens of thousands more workers will have got the Sack and Sterling will have plunged even lower in value.
99. Apart from acting as a zone for maximizing non-dollar trade, the sterling area under Labour had two main effects.
100. Since February sterling has risen by over 5% against the D-mark.
101. And they believe that what makes the current situation precarious is the continuing uncertainty over the outlook for sterling.
102. But if sterling is still in crisis in a month or two rises could come.
103. Further revaluations remain a distinct possibility, despite a slight weakening of Sterling.
104. Appendix 3 Exchange Rate Comparisons Table 9.6 shows data for the sterling effective exchange rate as well as for other currencies.
105. Britain's leadership of the sterling area is thus seen as a crucial link in this scheme of things.
106. The share of total sterling lending to the private sector-households and businesses - has risen sharply.
107. Those who complain about dear money and strong sterling would doubtless see this as an even worse regime.
108. The benchmark 5-year sterling swap spread was unchanged at 34 basis points.
109. The forward contract would mature at the time when it was proposed to change back into sterling from lire.
110. Sterling improved strongly and the market sensed an imminent cut in interest rates which added support to the initial market euphoria.
111. Most likely it was the continued upward pressure on the sterling exchange rate over the weekend.
112. This inpart reflects the recent very rapid rise in interest-bearing sterling deposits[], due to high real interest rates.
113. I still had my gun and what was left of Sterling Hayden's money.
114. N.B. - Loss of sterling limited to the amount permitted by currency regulations if any in force at the date of holiday.
115. Forte is expected to convert the Sterling, its first hotel at Gatwick, to its upmarket Crest brand.
116. Sadly it was cooled by the sterling crisis of July 1966.
117. This gives a sterling value, at this rate of £36,363.64 and is of course the expected return.
117. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
118. Just when it is vital to get policy on sterling right, the task has become virtually impossible.
119. In practice, that would have to be about the level at which sterling was trading in the foreign exchange markets.
120. The Government's dilemma is that sterling is falling because the financial markets no longer have faith in government policy towards the pound.
More similar words: pound sterlingausterlitzsilver liningberlin airliftunderlineborderlineorderlinessafterlifedarlingcurlingswirlingyearlingpesteringblisteringclusteringunderlieboiling wateradministeringyesterday morningairlinesurlinessbitterlyinterloperinterlockinterludecover lettermudslinginglingeringsinking feelingclinging
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