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Stereo- in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2024-08-05Updated:2024-08-05
Similar words: stereo systemstereostereotypystereogramstereotypestereopsisstereotaxisstereotypic
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1. Your stereo is better than mine.
2. We're being deafened by next door's stereo.
3. He always plays his stereo with the bass turned right up.
4. Who originated the concept of stereo sound?
5. The concert will be broadcast in stereo.
5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. Speakers are sold as add-ons for personal stereos.
7. The stereo is guaranteed against failure for a year.
8. The car stereo was on at full volume.
9. The recording was available in mono or stereo.
10. discounts on televisions, stereos and much more besidesWHICH WORD?
11. She set up her stereo in her bedroom.
12. He's always got the stereo playing full blast.
13. He was listening to the Beatles on the car stereo.
14. Somebody had come in and ripped off the TV and stereo.
15. Television sets and stereo sound sets are now in great demand.
16. The soundtrack of 'The Godfather' has been digitally remastered and transformed from mono to stereo.
17. A CD-I deck looks like a video recorder and plugs into the home television and stereo system.
18. Cool summer dance sounds are drifting from the stereo indoors.
19. You may need a transformer if you want to run a personal stereo off mains electricity.
20. I'd like a new stereo, but I haven't got the wherewithal.
More similar words: stereo systemstereostereotypystereogramstereotypestereopsisstereotaxisstereotypicstereoscopestereociliastereoscopystereotypedstereotacticstereoscopicstereophonicstereographicstereotypicalstereochemistrystereotypicallystereochemicalstereoisomerismstereomicroscopestereoselectivitystereoscopic visionstereophotogrammetryregistered lettersstereausteremasteredpestered
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