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61) Mom also feels spurred on by the thought that someday Charlie will become aware of her career.
62) Sharpe, who hated dancing, smiled at the thought, then turned and spurred the horse towards home.
63) A minute Rainbow in a cowgirl's hat, fringed buckskin skirt and tiny spurred western boots.
64) Stock gains and the absence of new opening costs are behind the rebound, which spurred the shares to a new peak.
65) His Genius on the field spurred Blackpool to a famous win against Bolton in the 1953 cup final.
66) MacArthur was spurred on by a strong sense of destiny and ambition.
67) The growth of tourism has spurred equivalent developments in the hotel and leisure-related sectors.
68) They spurred each other on,(www.Sentencedict.com) allowing the action and the words to flow naturally.
69) Spurred by some odd impulse, he threw the trowel as far as he could.
70) Thorfinn spurred, and the wedge of men behind him and behind Cormac and behind Ferteth broke into a pounding run.
71) When he had them so placed, he spurred ahead and drew dear, and the archers cut them down like corn.
72) The tiny sound of distress broke the spell and spurred Grant into action.
73) Roth gave as an example the Gulf War, which he said had spurred more reports of violence against Arabs.
74) And other natural resources, like minerals and timber, spurred the growth of technologies needed to extract them.
75) Then, spurred by the thought of Wurst and chips for lunch, my son and godson overtook me.
76) The thrill of discovering that he could break into secret files spurred Paul on to more daring data raids.
77) It was this impetus that spurred the community leaders on to forming a fully established radio station.
78) Hepatitis B woke up the research community and spurred it to action.
79) The crime wave that spurred them has been falling steadily in times of greater economic prosperity.
80) That has been spurred on by the successful growth of that sector in Britain.
81) He pulled the horse round to face eastwards, then spurred it into the tall field of rye.
82) It also spurred an outpouring of spurious books and sensational films.
83) Many have become politically active for the first time, spurred on by events and experiences-some of them wrenching7during their undergraduate years.
84) Delphinium having palmately divided leaves and showy spikes of variously colored spurred flowers; some contain extremely poisonous substances.
85) You must be here booted and spurred at nine o'clock.
86) From the 1840s to the Civil War, Irish Catholic immigrants fleeing from famine spurred the growth of cities and provided the labor for canal building and railroad construction.
87) In the 1970s, refined sugar approached the top of the food counterculture's list of enemies, spurred by international best sellers like "Sugar Blues" and "Sweet and Dangerous."
88) At the same time, Wen indicated no roll-back in the fiscal stimulus that spurred a rebound: the government targeted a deeper budget deficit for 2010.
89) Declining profits spurred some counterfeiters to turn to making knockoff tablet computers instead.
90) Back, he spurred like a madman, shrieking a curse to the sky.
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