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Spokeswoman in a sentence

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Sentence count:191+1Posted:2018-03-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: saleswomanspokesmanspokespersonkinswomanbusinesswomanspokespokenbespokeMeaning: n. a female spokesperson. 
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151. We don't know who is behind this, nor why, " the spokeswoman for the Ghent prosecutor's office, An Schoonjans, told AFP, adding that the store had not received any prior warning.
152. Most are left at Transportation Security Administration checkpoints and turned over to the airport, says McCarran spokeswoman Candice Seeley.
153. A Casco spokeswoman said in an email Tuesday that initial signs pointed to a wider power outage rather than a signal failure as the cause of Shanghai's incident, but said investigations continue.
154. The carjacking victim, a Hewlett-Packard contract employee, was in fair condition at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, according to hospital spokeswoman Joy Alexiou.
155. "The power of the people changed the regime," said Gehan Shaaban, a spokeswoman. "But we shouldn't trust the army.
156. Virginia Miller, a spokeswoman for the group, noted that fuel prices spiked in the spring of 2006 and public transit ridership rose. By the end of the summer prices declined, but ridership had not.
157. Paradiso then jumped up, ran behind Judge Cinda Fox and began punching her, said Karen McConnell, spokeswoman for the San Joaquin County courthouse.
158. A spokeswoman at Panasonic, which is withdrawing from the cathode-ray tube business to focus on flat TVs, said the company may ask the Fair Trade Commission to re-examine the case.
159. "I think people in Tokyo may just be too busy, " said an Ajinomoto spokeswoman.
160. A Nomura spokeswoman declined to disclose Mr. Toda's political affiliation.
161. Fraunhofer Institute spokeswoman Susanne Baumer said that the "eCoach" can be tailored to meet the goals of individuals or the needs of organizations.
162. "in shanghai, people simply seem to go to sleep earlier. everyone in all the cities gets up around the same time in the mornings, between 6:30 and 7:00, " said the ajinomoto spokeswoman.
163. A spokeswoman from Zhengzhou Sinian Food Co. , Ltd. said they had confirmed the contamination of staphylococcus aureus, or golden staph, in its quick-frozen seafood and pork-stuffed dumplings.
164. A spokeswoman for the Ontario Securities Commission confirmed the regulator referred the matter to the RCMP.
165. A spokeswoman for Roche said the wholesale cost of two years of Rituxan treatment is about $47,000.
166. The company will cut about 150-200 people of the 550 people it currently employs at its Hong Kong headquarters, or about 30 percent of its staff, said spokeswoman Jannie Poon.
167. Renee Calabro, a Deutsche Bank spokeswoman, said that Mr. Lippmann would continue to help Mr. Sprenger adjust to his new role but planned to depart in the next few months.
168. Pfizer spokeswoman Joan Campion says the company always said it would remain open and doesn't consider Wyeth a traditional "megadeal" because it's not all about one blockbuster.
169. A U.S. Trade Representative's office spokeswoman said it was reviewing whether the House bill was consistent with World Trade Organisation rules.
170. "We looked at 12 countries, including the US," said Krista Canfield, a spokeswoman for LinkedIn.
170. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
171. The army took the device away and blew it up in a controlled explosion in a field nearby, " a spokeswoman for the North Yorkshire police said."
172. "Three dogs bit their 52-year-old owner to death in Ljubljana yesterday, " police spokeswoman Maja Adlesic said.
173. The Times plans to deliver a copy of the newspaper to every P-I subscriber this morning, spokeswoman Jill Mackie said.
174. Also Saturday, a spokeswoman for the mission said its public Web site was back up after a hacker managed to change the site's lead story overnight.
175. Staci Gouveia, a Bayer spokeswoman, said the company nonetheless stood behind the safety of Trasylol, which has become one of Bayer's fastest sellers.
176. Spokeswoman Christine Betaneli advises people taking the TOEIC to be suspicious of any e-mails claiming to be from ETS.
177. "It's pretty pronounced, " said Kiley Rawlins, a spokeswoman at Family Dollar. "It seems like to us, customers are running out of food products, paper towels sooner in the month."
178. Journalism faculty spokeswoman Larisa Bakulina slammed the calendar as a "work of erotic tastelessness."
179. A spokeswoman for West Yorkshire Police said two men aged 26 and 24 had been re-arrested today while a 20-year-old man had been detained for the first time.
180. Tomy spokeswoman Mei Kudo said that Japanese cartoons often show people and robots as buddies. She said i-Sobot carries on this tradition.
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