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Spokeswoman in a sentence

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Sentence count:191+1Posted:2018-03-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: saleswomanspokesmanspokespersonkinswomanbusinesswomanspokespokenbespokeMeaning: n. a female spokesperson. 
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121. "For the first time in nearly three decades the German Shepherd dog finds itself in the number two position, displacing the Yorkshire Terrier, " said American Kennel Club spokeswoman Lisa Peterson.
122. The military's fraternization policies prohibit active duty personnel from marrying local civilians, military spokeswoman Lieutenant Colonel Josslyn Aberle told the newspaper.
123. Later, a company spokeswoman said that Microsoft would post the beta today at noon PST.
124. A spokeswoman for the Premium Outlets Division of Simon Property Group said that Woodbury Common is the largest destination for Chinese visitors of its 42 shopping centers in the U.S.
125. "Without adding the salt, we would be required to carry a liquor license, " explained a ConAgra spokeswoman, Teresa Paulsen.
126. "Yes, that is a possible concern," said Nefeterius Mcpherson, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Trade Representative's office, which is hosting the 10th round of talks this week on the proposed pact.
127. Google spokeswoman Shari Yoder Doherty declined to comment on Google and its partners or any complaints to the government.
128. "Driving a car is not the time to be multitasking, " said CHP spokeswoman Fran Clader.
129. Concluding the commercial terms is 'just one step in the process, ' said Volvo spokeswoman Maria Bohlin. 'There's still a long way to go.'
130. A spokeswoman said Netease slop - wallowing ambitions are more for the public welfare than private profit.
131. Toyota spokeswoman in Los Angeles said the automaker would not comment on its resource development plans.
132. A spokeswoman for the Crown Prosecution Service confirmed that juror had been sent home on Thursday.
133. At the Frick Collection, there has been "no apples-to-apples incident" comparable to the damaged Picasso, said Heidi Rosenau, a spokeswoman.
134. Natalie Wyeth, a spokeswoman for the United States Treasury, declined to comment on Wednesday.
135. A spokeswoman, however, says they would not recommend a raw vegan diet for children.
136. It probably won't be appreciated, says Lizzie Post, author and spokeswoman for the Emily Post Institute and great-great granddaughter of the etiquette queen.
137. World Food Program spokeswoman, Emilia Casella, says people are suffering from a critical shortage of food.
138. A spokeswoman said that no decision had yet been made.
139. Kylie Hatton, a spokeswoman, said in an email: "It is not true that the City of Cape Town is moving or displacing residents in informal areas in the runup to the 2010 Fifa World Cup.
140. A spokeswoman, Whitney Clavin, said the ring was very diffuse and did not reflect much visible light, but the infrared Spitzer space telescope was able to detect it.
140. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
141. Rebecca Carmichael, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney's Office in Manhattan, would not comment on whether Douglas had applied for, or been granted, bail.
142. Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has taken time out of his busy schedule to indulge his imagination by penning a children's book featuring his family pets, a spokeswoman said Sunday.
143. "We are very pleased with today's decisions which granted preliminary approval of the settlement," a Malkin spokeswoman said.
144. Christie's spokeswoman would not reveal the identity of the winning bidder.
145. A spokeswoman said: "Swedishness is engrained in every part of our stores."
146. U.N. Humanitarian spokeswoman, Elizabeth Byrs, says violence goes on and people are continuing to flee to Nakuru in the Rift Valley at a rate of about 1,000 a day.
147. He has most of his shareholdings bundled in his investment company VEM. A VEM spokeswoman declined to comment on the current status of negotiations.
148. Koch spokeswoman Cohlmia says the company reported its compliance issues to the state before a whistle-blower did so.
149. Microsoft spokeswoman, Catherine Brooker, said no money had changed hands, but did not say whether the contract had been withdrawn.
150. Jennifer Parmelee is a World Food Program spokeswoman in Washington.
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