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Spleen in a sentence

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Sentence count:230+1Posted:2017-06-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: splendidsplendourspleneticsplendidlydispleasedispleaseddispleasingdispleasureMeaning: [splɪːn]  n. 1. a large dark-red oval organ on the left side of the body between the stomach and the diaphragm; produces cells involved in immune responses 2. a feeling of resentful anger. 
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151. Because these islets carried the kind of peptide that spleen cells use to reeducate the immune system, they were able both to control blood sugar and to end the autoimmune response.
152. The spleen can affect the count, the red blood cell count and even the blood count.
153. The hematopoietic recovery in half matched group was faster than in allo BMT group, esp. after day 9, as evidenced by the blood routine, bone marrow CFU GM assay, spleen node and chimera assay.
154. They also had undetectable leels of virus in the brain and low leels in the spleen.
155. While histopathological changes indicated that hyperaemia in hepar, hepatic cord in hepar arranged mussily, granular degenerate in cytoplasm, lymphocytes in spleen multiplicated.
156. The results were as follows: (l)On the 12th day of embryos, the anlage of spleen appeared in the dorsal mwesogastrium.
157. It is ultimately washed ashore in the spleen, the junkyard of the circulatory system.
158. Conclusions:TCM herbs with activating the spleen can regulate nitric oxide standard in infant anorectic rat's gastric antrum and colon.
159. Conclusion The change of oxidative stress is one reason for the damage of rat spleen induced by low-dose sulfur mustard.
160. Objective To evaluate the effects of chiropractic therapy for spleen energy deficiency syndrome in children.
161. Tropism of taste: Gan Wen. In the lungs, spleen by.
162. The lymphocyte of spleen had decreased, and the heterophilic granulocyte had increased, there was more tumour cell infiltrating.
163. This article is for the purpose of further discussing it to the spleen flesh wound diagnosis value.
164. Given that an accessory spleen does not usually require treatment, accurate preoperative diagnosis will obviate surgery.
165. The fracture of inferior thoracic ribs and the lumbar transverse process often accompany with the injury of spleen and kidney.
166. The effect of moxibustion can be reversed by micro-injection group with 6-OHDA in anterior hypothalamic area or spleen sympathetic nerve resection.
167. Conclusion The abdominal plain CT scan is of unique value in diagnosing the early and delayed spleen injuries,[] while hemoperitoneum has great significance in it.
168. Two cases of cystic lymphangiomatosis of the spleen were presented.
169. Objective:To study the clinical effect of interventional therapy combining with Jianpi Shugan decoction in treating primary hepatic carcinoma with spleen hyperfunction.
170. The mice were killed after 10 days and the mice's body weight, spleen and thymus index, hemogram, myelogram, pathological changes of spleen, T lymphocyte subpopulation were detected.
171. I will keep my spleen to myself till Christmas brings John and Isabella.
172. The result of monitors by MTT method shows that, Fu Yan Jing mixture can inhibit proliferation of rat's spleen cell, and inhibit NIH3T3 fibroblastic proliferation.
173. ALT, TP, TBIL, GLU, ultrasound to measure the portal vein, splenic vein of kids measuring the thickness of the blood group of the spleen, non-bleeding group were statistically significant.
174. METHODS: The human spleen cells, obtained by the method of grinding, were divided into four groups and treated with saline solution or various concentrations of H2O2 respectively.
175. RESULTS Weights of thoracic gland and spleen in mice increased significantly, the level of erythrolysin in the serum and the function of mononuclear phagocyte in mice were enhanced.
176. Conclusion: 1,[] Spleen deficiency can cause the colonic mucous epithelial cell to abscise and effect the integrity of colonic mucous epithelium.
177. Hematuria is association with left rib fractures usually means a damaged spleen as well.
178. Computerized Tomographic scan demonstrated an enlarged spleen with multiple well- marginated low-attenuation masses that were not enhanced after administration of contrast medium.
179. Method:32 cases were treated with Repleshing Spleen to Stop Diarrhea Decoction as the study group while 30 cases were treated with Vit B1, Compond Diphenoxylate and Berberine as the control group.
180. Traditional Chinese Medicine has abundant clinical experience and form theoretical system to postpone decrepitude, it emphasize that spleen is the root of after-birth and the source of qi and blood.
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