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Spell in a sentence

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Sentence count:292+18Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: charmfascinationperiodshiftstretchtimetranceSimilar words: compellingcompelwellyellbellcellshellsellMeaning: [spel]  n. 1. a psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation 2. a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else) 3. a period of indeterminate length (usually short) marked by some action or condition 4. a verbal formula believed to have magical force. v. 1. orally recite the letters of or give the spelling of 2. indicate or signify 3. write or name the letters that comprise the conventionally accepted form of (a word or part of a word) 4. relieve (someone) from work by taking a turn 5. place under a spell 6. take turns working. 
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121. How many times do I have to spell it out?
122. These children can't spell.
123. Heavy and prolonged rain can spell disaster for many plants.
124. You know what I mean-I'm sure I don't need to spell it out.
125. You accused me of inaccuracy yet you can't spell "Middlesex".
126. She didn't even take the trouble to find out how to spell my name.
127. Drug experts say it could spell the end of the crack epidemic.
128. Do I really have to spell it out for you?
129. When writing, if you use initials for a long name, make sure you spell out the name at least once.
130. If the spirit of Caesar could be called up by some spell, I wonder what it would think of the present day.
131. Roll a dice after each spell is cast.
132. She must have had a dizzy spell.
133. Orkney casts a magic spell that never fades.
134. Spell it for me, if you please.
134. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
135. I believe in God, only I spell it Nature. Frank Lloyd Wright 
136. Computer spell checkers are useful but far from infallible.
137. It would spell financial ruin and possibly the end.
138. Pity the poor blighter couldn't spell.
139. After a long and anxious spell, she recovered.
140. The magic spell touched Toulon too.
141. A spell is still a spell even when imprisoned temporarily in parchment and ink.
142. Note Whenever possible spell out your terms clearly with actual dates on all invoices and statements.
143. Meriwether cast a spell over the young traders who worked for him.
144. Collegians scored three tries in a blistering 12 minute spell early in the second-half to kill the match.
145. The previous day the Saints had sent Copdock packing by eight wickets after Steve Leggett's spell of 12-5-17-5.
146. This cold spell appears to be winter's last gasp for the year.
147. And again, louder, as if breaking a spell or casting one: Olppajin-saram.
148. Was it a beneficent spell nurtured by our ancestors' good, obviously very good, karma?
149. If true, it could spell big trouble for many people, and not just those living in seaside cottages.
150. What was this spell he was casting - and how could she ever hope to be free of it?
More similar words: compellingcompelwellyellbellcellshellselltellswellhelloselleras wellsell offsell outtell onyellowsmell outwell-knowndwell onsmell ofwell knownfeel likemay as wellas well assatellitespeakspeedspendwhisper
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