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Soundless in a sentence

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Sentence count:41+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-08-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: soundlesslyboundlessgroundlessless and lesssoundlyendlessmindlessendlesslyMeaning: ['saʊndlɪs]  adj. marked by absence of sound. 
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1. My bare feet were soundless over the carpet.
2. Above the mountain, eagles circled in soundless flight.
3. Her lips parted in a soundless scream.
4. The rain had changed into a soundless light sprinkle.
5. But then another soundless glance brought home the truth.
6. He motioned to Lissa and she caught his soundless urging and went with him out of the room.
7. The Spring Festivial is coming with the soundless footsteps.
8. Laughing this soundless lubrication, Jingui such as oil spring!
9. It is a soundless echo.
10. It was a soundless noise,( yet rushing and powerful.
11. It is so soundless. Air nearby liked be condensed.
12. Wind is soundless, and I keep silent.
13. Hear the soundless. Learn it all , then forget it all.
14. Buddy, you didn't say a word, soundless and stirless will contact you number completely cut off, even though I know to say and not say the result is the same[], but do not eliminate the lost heart.
15. But it flutters down, soundless , hour after hour while we are asleep.
16. Motherly love is like a spring rain, soundless lubrication , long distant.
17. The creek, still and soundless, is closed in by trees, hidden from the eyes of men.
18. Your soundless and stirless, poured into the bottom of my heart.
19. Love, soundless and stirless in falling into, the innocent smile.
20. It reverberates, a soundless sound , a sense - lacking intruder on the senses.
21. A voice, soundless yet perfectly real, said, You are safe now.
22. However, that time will come and soundless and stirless flowing, no matter you with what attitude to face, it has no room for manoeuvre.
23. The cat looked at Lyn and opened its mouth in a soundless mew.
24. He tried to scream, but his terror was such that only soundless air came out.
25. In the hall light, he had the odd notion that the Commander was afloat on a full and soundless tide.
26. Apart from scratching noises in the roof, the room was soundless.
27. Here were the imponderable processes and forces of the cosmos, harmonious' and soundless.
28. If any of them talked to me, I just lay shaking in the bed staring at them, soundless and deaf.
29. I'm the only spark of conscious life in the house, passing soundless and unseen among unheeding sleepers.
30. Not even Huron itself seemed so wide, so empty, so soundless as these woods.
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