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Signore in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2024-07-23Updated:2024-07-23
Similar words: signorsign-onsign onsign-offsign offsign outsignoraassignorMeaning: n. an Italian title of respect for a man; equivalent to the English `sir'; used separately (not prefixed to his name). 
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1. " We fear reprisals, signore, " the abbess murmured.
2. "What is the matter with Signora Anna?" he whispered, horror-struck at her vacant face.
3. Silvio's receptionist was always terribly sorry, but il signore was busy.
4. Before she died la strega left her secrets to Signora Grignaffini, our landlady[], who looked a bit like a witch herself.
5. The owners, Signor and Signora Leoni and their son pride themselves on their high standards of personal service.
6. One regular visitor to la strega, and later to Signora Grignaffini, was Amelia.
7. Signore. - Is it you, Maestro?
8. The battle is well on their way, signore.
9. Signore, I ask and I prey, that you break this conclave.
10. A bird may love a fish, signore, but where will they live?
11. WANG QIAN communicated with students and their parents for the experience of studying and working in Singapore, and also the feeling about getting the permanent resident qualification in Signore.
More similar words: signorsign-onsign onsign-offsign offsign outsignoraassignorignoresign overmonsignorconsignorignoredsign of the crossforeign officesign of the zodiacforeign operationsign on the dotted linedesign optimizationdesign of experimentsmake the sign of the crossconsignment storechignonavignonignobleignorantignominyignoranceignoramusmignonette
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