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Scribing in a sentence

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Sentence count:42Posted:2019-01-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: describingcribbingscribeascribescribersubscribedescribescribble
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31. The height vernier gauges can widely used for height measurement and scribing in machining.
32. The height vernier caliper is widely used for height measurement , scribing, etc. in machining operation.
33. Hmmm. Do you think I could pay for my scroll scribing XP costs with a well-told tale of a drug- addled past of some sort?
34. A simple compass is helpful for scribing the flowerpot cutouts.
35. The work efficiency and the dimensional accuracy of scribing of the woodworker can be raised, and the work can be reduced.
36. Do you think I could pay for my scroll scribing XP costs with a well-told tale of a drug- addled past of some sort?
37. Nor is this process simply a matter of scribing data into neural tissue.
38. If you are interested in scribing specific topics, let us know by email, otherwise, volunteers will be chosen at the beginning of each lecture.
39. And the keeper is appropriately located(, and the keeper unit and scribing head are freely detached.
40. A trainee can become competent in scribing more quickly than in pen and ink work.
41. Scribing and Transferring Tattoos : The manifester level for a psionic tattoo is the minimum level required to manifest the scribed power.
42. The characteristic of RF CO2 laser and its ceramic substrate scribing are presented.
More similar words: describingcribbingscribeascribescribersubscribedescribescribbleinscribeinscribedprescribedescribeddescriberproscribesubscribersubscribedscribblersubscribe forproscribedascribableprescribeddescribe astranscribesubscribe totranscribertranscribeddescribableoversubscribecircumscribecircumscribed
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