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Scraps in a sentence

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Sentence count:123+3Posted:2017-07-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: crapsscrapscrapescraperscrapedscrapingscrape outscrapbookMeaning: [skræp]  n. food that is discarded (as from a kitchen). 
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31. Sadie would raid the bins for scraps when she could - perhaps her diet of rabbits needed to be supplemented.
32. These innumerable scraps of land were the beginning of egalitarian ownership on a Lilliputian scale.
33. By night it is lined with ragged figures, sleeping on cardboard or scraps of bubble-wrap.
34. Inside, chamber 2f is thick with bird droppings, feathers, mangled bones and scraps of cloth.
35. Sometimes a young otter trails the white-faced adult, and is harried by a hungry gull competing for scraps of abalone.
36. From an unmarked ketch the authorities watched him feeding scraps of metal from the car-deck to the seagulls which exploded.
37. Yesterday I fed him the bony scraps from my reindeer stew and he is now mine for ever.
38. Magnus grew fat on brown wholemeal scraps and Gina gave up trying to keep him away.
39. They are like scraps from a tailor's cutting room which have taken clumsy wing.
40. In catering operations the procedure includes removal of waste scraps, litter and liquids.
41. The stairs were brushed, but pocked with scraps of eggshell and solidified tissues.
42. Her purse bulged with keys, cigarettes, scraps of paper, and old receipts.
43. It's normal for brothers and sisters to have a few scraps. It's part of growing up.
44. Use any pastry scraps to decorate the pies and glaze with beaten egg if required. 6.
45. A few scrawny chickens were searching for scraps of food in the dry earth.
46. But you can bring worms into your house, too,[] and make your kitchen scraps disappear.
47. The novices empty vats of mutton scraps into the dustbins and pack them down with their bare hands.
48. At the front of the cage was a dish with a few scraps of food in it.
49. He scrawled them on pieces of newspaper, scraps of the Congressional Record, or junk mail that he picked up.
50. Sure I loved him - too much. And he loved me, only not enough. I just want someone who thinks I'm number one in his life. I'm not willing to accept emotional scraps anymore. Amy Tan 
51. I kept my head down and pretended to be consuming the scraps left on my dish.
52. She picked her first attempt at a letter out of the wastebasket, from among scraps of cloth.
53. Children like to handle scraps of material of different texture and thickness.
54. Then he saw them - the same tiny scraps of red paint[], clustered around the handle of the bottom desk drawer.
55. Scraps of paper, issuing from the city, came twirling in through the cab window.
56. She gathered a handful of scraps, stood up, and hurled them in his face.
57. But Dove published a whole book based on a few scraps of wood.
58. Piles of damp clothes lie on the floor next to old pairs of shoes, empty vodka bottles and scraps of paper.
59. Scraps of paper, previously sodden, begin to stir in the gutters.
60. Avoid inhaling sawdust of pressure-treated wood, and do not burn any scraps; dispose of both in the trash.
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