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Scissoring in a sentence

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Sentence count:35Posted:2018-08-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: scissorscissorspair of scissorscensoringsponsoringsensorineural hearing lossabscissascission
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31. This produce can cut meat and scissor meat, it have the characteristic of cutting meat machine and scissoring meat machine.
32. Any evidence of stripping or scissoring of coat to shape or stylize should be strongly penalized as a fault.
33. Indulgently, I lifted by right hand and made scissoring motions with my first two fingers.
34. Skull Six, Skull Six, scissoring ; get 'im off my back, Max!
35. Results Lengthwise scissoring of fetal long bones and rinsing their marrow cells was practical and useful to recover the BMMSCs from human abortuses at the age of 2-3 months.
More similar words: scissorscissorspair of scissorscensoringsponsoringsensorineural hearing lossabscissascissionrescissionabscissionpromissorymontessoriaccessorialaccessorizeaccessoriespromissory noteprofessorialpromissory notesright of rescissionassortingsensorineuraldissolvingassociate professorvisiting professordisorientingsnoringcoringboringfissuringshoring
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