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Sauna in a sentence

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Sentence count:140+7Posted:2017-08-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: saunterfaunasaucysaucesautesaucerassaultsausageMeaning: ['saʊnə /'sɔːnə]  n. a Finnish steam bath; steam is produced by pouring water over heated rocks. 
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91 A cosy lounge, a separate TV room with a little library, a games rooms with computer games, a sauna and massage services offer something for everyone.
92 My father sneezed, and his father and his father's father before him were all men for whom a blat from the nose was every bit as bracing as a plunge into the snow following a sauna.
93 My father sneezed, his father his father's father before him were all men for whom a blat from the nose was every bit as bracing as a plunge into the snow following a sauna.
94 First to a Swedish massage, a sauna and then steamed, and then jump and jumped into the lake ... while swimming, enjoy the beautiful scenery of the lake.
95 For leisure, the swimming pool and gymnasium beckon,( with steam and sauna facilities.
96 It has wide range of using place: Home, hotel, guesthouse , high-grade villa, top-grade house, leisure center, rehabilitation center, beauty parlor, public bathroom, bath sauna center, etc.
97 The spa area has a sauna and a relaxation room with panoramic views and an open fireplace.
98 He is crazy about such things as golf, go-go and sauna.
99 Applicant for bathroom, sauna room, supermarket, stadiums and gymnasiums, office, storage, etc.
100 Widely used in hotels, leisure Villa, sauna bath, Muzu centres, family, and so on.
101 You may use the fitting room, swimming pool and sauna, and the massage parlor in this hotel.
102 In between your sightseeing tours in Belo Horizonte, this 3-star hotel invites you to work out in the gym,[] or to sit back and relax in the sauna or by the pool.
103 According to a forthcoming book, "Inside Scientology," by the journalist Janet Reitman, the sauna sessions can last up to five hours a day.
104 The indoor swimming pool is accessible for free and together with the sauna and the solarium it can be reached directly by the hotel elevator.
105 The HIV antibody of all sauna service were negative carry.
106 Is eating hot pot to wash the two non - Treasury sauna.
107 No, thanks. I'd like to have a shower first, then I'll take a sauna and massage.
108 Spa facilities are available during the winter season and include a Tyrolean sauna, a steam bath, a Kneipp pool and a relaxation room.
109 There are stadiums, museums, theater, dancery, bowling alley and sauna center etc. in the county.
110 Cold Sauna Odor Neutralizer (for car) is a pure natural plant products with the function of removing odor, mainly for the routing maintenance of car.
111 Our hotel offers a wide range of recreational activities including indoor constant-temperature swimming pool, gymnasia, billiard room, ping-pong room, outdoor tennis court, sauna and reflexology.
112 Below ground level the dwelling guards his swimming pool, areas for massage, fitness and sauna in a triangular hypostyle hall only reached by daylight in its far most corner point.
113 The modern sports centre has a swimming pool, sports hall, squash courts, weight training rooms, dance facilities, sauna and solarium , and a rock climbing wall.
114 Jacuzzi , Bathtub, Shower Enclosure , Shower Room, Sauna Room, Shower Panel, Shower Mixer, Bathroom Cabinet, Faucet etc.
115 I asked myself: How does this sauna differ from all other saunas?
116 We a sauna bath with a massage service there, too.
117 After taking a sauna, you'll feel like a new man.
118 Master facilities of gym, sauna, KTV etc. Effectively prepare and manage operation policy and procedures.
119 I tried a sauna at the local YMCA to compare.
120 My cabin had a king-sized bed in one room and bunk beds in the other, along with a small kitchen, a shower and a personal sauna.
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