Similar words: which, think twice, sand, worldwide, accord with, peasant, sanction, chitosan. Meaning: ['sændwɪtʃ /'sænwɪdʒ]
n. two (or more) slices of bread with a filling between them. v. 1. make into a sandwich 2. insert or squeeze tightly between two people or objects.
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(61) I am the bologna in the sandwich generation.
(62) And what about the ham sandwich?
(63) Toasted bagel with Marmite or, occasionally; a bacon sandwich.
(64) She was eating a sandwich.
(65) Earl picked up his sandwich and bit into it.
(66) Yuck! There's a hair in my sandwich.
(67) Are you hungry? Do you want a sandwich?
(68) Maybe they were going for another pastrami sandwich.
(69) Breakfast was simple - coffee, and a bacon sandwich.
(70) He munched his jam sandwich and, between bites, belched.
(71) He bit into his sandwich.
(72) Sandwich all nine pieces together with buttercream, with the larger pieces at the bottom and the smaller pieces at the top.
(73) Border Patrol agent at a sandwich shop on Highway 11, shortly after he dropped the men off.
(74) With a modest smear of mayonnaise and mustard on the savory focaccia, this sandwich is sublime.
(75) There was the Ziploc storage bag, not to be confused with the Ziploc sandwich bag, snack bag or freezer bag.
(76) She felt her legs being secured in that position, so she was doubled over to look like a sandwich.
(77) Brighton caused controversy by proposing to teach full-time and sandwich students together for part of the time.
(78) Heat oil in non-stick frying pan and cook sandwich for 3 mins, pressing down firmly with fish slice before turning over.
(79) Even the sun was in a hurry to get back to Sandwich that Sunday.
(80) Mice entered aircraft in pursuit of sandwich crumbs, usually under the floorboards.
(81) My little boy has just rammed a cheese sandwich up my nose!
(82) While my sisters and I attended to this half of the sandwich, the other half was moldering badly.
(83) The ultimate composite materials capitalise on the inherent strength and lightness of reinforced resins by deploying them in a sandwich construction.
(84) On a smaller plate set before Frankie was a sandwich made with thickly sliced bread, best butter and strawberry jam.
(85) The sandwich leapt over the doorframe and vanished into the chirping, velvety,( dangerous night.
(86) After my sandwich and a drink, I got a cab to my own office in Whitehall, and rang Seddon.
(87) Lunch will be fairly small and might feature a salad or small sandwich with a low-fat filling, or yogurt and fruit.
(88) This is followed however by pitta bread, a cheese sandwich, crisps and a midnight bowl of porridge.
(89) Though the menu does not say pinto beans, a few showed up on my sandwich.
(90) She wanted a pint of recaff and a toasted cheese sandwich.