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Rotator in a sentence

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Sentence count:46Posted:2017-10-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: rotaterotatedrotatingrotationpotatojob rotationcrop rotationirrotational
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1. It was a shoulder injury a Rotator cuff tear.
2. Supraspinatus tendonitis, an overuse injury of the rotator cuff.
3. They noted a better muscular development in the rotator muscles of the shoulders and the pectoralis major.
4. Background: The reported rate of failure after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair has ariled widely.
5. The majority of subacromial impingement and incomplete rotator cuff tears may be successfully managed with conservative treatment.
6. Conclusions Degenerative rotator cuff tears most commonly involve a posterior location, near the junction of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus.
7. New Anatomical Findings Regarding the Footprint of the Rotator Cuff.
8. The investigation shows that the rotator cuff injury takes a substantial proportion in shoulder joint desease.
9. Pseudoparalysis of the shoulder and severe rotator cuff arthropathy are contraindications to this procedure.
10. The shoulder pain and dysfunction were prevalent of rotator cuff disease. Bicipital tenosynovitis was also common of rotator cuff disease.
11. Objective To study a method of diagnosis for rotator cuff injury.
12. The theoretic calculation and retrofIt'scheme for turbine, rotator and stator of generator are discussed.
13. A patient with traumatic rotator cuff tear of right shoulder developed severe myofascial pain syndrome with reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) involving the right upper extremity.
14. Background: The optimal method for arthroscopic rotator cuff repair is not yet known.
15. Shoulder rotator cuff involves the teres minor, supraspinatus, infraspinatus and subscapularis.
16. The cylinder magnet for Faraday rotator is analyzed and calculated theoretically[], which results can give concrete instructions for the design of optical isolator.
17. Alex Fernandez: out for the season with a torn rotator cuff.
18. Results MRI of shoulder in 34 cases showed full-thickness and partial-thickness tears of the rotator cuff, tendinitis, glenoid labrum tear, synovitis, biceps tendinitis, biceps dislocation and tumors.
19. Thus the utility model can inhibit the increasing of the noise grade as the vibration of the rotator 171 is not amplified by the resonance frequency.
20. Specifically design for wind power industry, applying for output loop between stator and rotator in cylinder.
21. Background: Biomechanical testing without humeral motion is a standard method for evaluating rotator cuff repair constructs.
22. Conclusion MRI arthrography is one of the best methods for the diagnoses of rotator cuff tears.
23. Conclusions : Sonography is the preferred examination method in the diagnosis of rotator cuff tear.
24. Elbow tucked in close to body to avoid irritation of the rotator and deltoid muscles.
25. For Faraday isolator, its performances are determined by magneto - optical crystals optical performances of the Faraday rotator.
26. The typical injuries for swimmers were muscular chronic injuries at spine region, rotator cuff injury, anterior talofibular ligament injury, and patellar enthesiopathy.
27. Objective: To explore the reason for the injury of both rotator cuff and suprascapular nerve and its clinical significance.
28. This article firstly advances the designing of a wide wave band polarization rotator Polarization Interference Filter.
28. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
29. Howeer, a subset of patients hae deelopment of glenoid arthritis and rotator cuff deficiency due to tuberosity failure.
30. Then the development of the parts of optical isolator, such as collimator, wedge, Faraday rotator and magnetic ring, is presented and the coupling losses between collimators are compared.
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