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Rifle in a sentence

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Sentence count:278+11Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: despoillootpillageplunderransackrobstealSimilar words: driftfleeterrificfleetflexiblereflectionesterificationflexibilityMeaning: ['raɪfl]  n. a shoulder firearm with a long barrel and a rifled bore. v. 1. steal goods; take as spoils 2. go through in search of something; search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way. 
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31. Get a rifle that shoots straight.
32. He was armed with a rifle.
33. He strips and cleans his rifle every morning.
34. He took a pot at the neighbour's cat with his air rifle.
35. She'd been so terrified that she had armed herself with a loaded rifle.
36. The army used the land as a training area and rifle range.
37. She says the patrolmen rounded them up at the village school and beat them with rifle butts.
38. Uncle Jim took the air rifle and went on a recce to the far end of the quarry.
39. He aimed his rifle, fired a single shot, then ejected the spent cartridge.
40. Smith had run them off his property with a rifle.
41. While searching the house they discovered an unlicensed shotgun and a licensed rifle.
42. The soldier disconnected a rifle into parts before cleaning it.
43. The guard was killed with a high - powered rifle.
44. He fired off a volley of shots from his semi-automatic rifle.
45. This rifle only holds one cartridge and so must be reloaded after each shot.
46. Pulling his rifle to his shoulder he squinted along the barrel.
47. The bandits escaped with a rifle and 120 rounds of ammunition.
48. It reminds me of my days on the rifle range preparing for duty in Vietnam.
49. The soldier fired the rifle through a narrow aperture in a pile of sandbags.
50. He threw down his rifle and ran from the battlefield.
51. He fixed a bayonet to the end of his rifle.
52. My neighbours reported me to the police for firing my rifle in the garden.
53. The rifle is able to throw a bullet about 4 miles.
54. Troops used tear gas and rifle butts to break up the protests.
55. When I'd missed a few times, he suggested I rest the rifle on a rock to steady it.
55. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
56. He denied possessing a rifle with intent to endanger life.
57. Our troops barraged against the enemy with a torrent of rifle fire.
58. He always used high velocity lead bullets in his rifle.
59. Allie was the second best shooter on the rifle team.
60. Every soldier is issued a rifle.
More similar words: driftfleeterrificfleetflexiblereflectionesterificationflexibility
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