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Retrieve in a sentence

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Sentence count:280+7Posted:2017-03-26Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: call backcall upfindrecallrecollectrecoverregainrememberthinkSimilar words: grievereprieveaggrievedretributionmeretriciousdeveloping countriessievegrievousMeaning: [rɪ'trɪːv]  v. 1. get or find back; recover the use of 2. run after, pick up, and bring to the master 3. recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection. 
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151. In the updateCatalog function, retrieve the form field values and create an SQL statement to add a row to database table Catalog.
152. Database search is great to retrieve structured and exactly matched data, but it requires highly specialized knowledge on query construction and data model familiarity.
153. However, one can crosscheck one's own information against the knowledge provided therein and intend to retrieve anything that has been lost over time or in a karmic encounter.
154. Use the dot notation (".hr") to retrieve one element from the batstat_t ROW type.
155. The difficulty in this step arises from the size of the data source in question — often in the tera- or petrabyte range — which makes it impractical to retrieve the data over a remote connection.
156. Swathed in white protective masks and suits, residents are bused into the zone on rare occasions to retrieve valuables and check on their homes.
157. When this occurs, I intend to retrieve it and recast it.
158. Grounding changes from initiation to initiation, however, wherever one is, one can crosscheck their information and intend to retrieve anything that has been lost.
159. Lauranna Thar 'well wants you to go to the Botanica in Tempest Keep and retrieve the Botanist's Field Guide from High Botanist Freywinn.
160. From the Terminal window, run the following command to retrieve any last-minute changes or dependencies: sudo port upgrade couchdb.
161. With AJAX web applications can send and retrieve data without reloading the whole web page.
162. A SQL statement used to retrieve data from database tables or views. Queries begins with the SQL reserved word SELECT.
163. Vergil: I've come to retrieve my power. You cannot handle it.
164. Frantic to retrieve the bodies, Admira's parents are bewildered by unresponsive Bosnian and Serb bureaucracies, and by UNPROFOR's hands-off policy.
165. Hunters have to get near enough to the edge of the ice to retrieve the narwhal with a grappling hook.
166. VBA does not include a method to retrieve a value from a closed file.
167. Query by example : Query the database by creating a sample object of the type you want to retrieve and setting its properties to specify selection criteria.
168. We use terminals to input data to and retrieve data from a remotely located main system.
169. They have been leading a project, based at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, to retrieve high-resolution images from old magnetic tapes.
170. When food is scarce and animals exert energy to retrieve food, increasing the desirability of less tasty food would help animals eat what they had caught, regardless of its inherent tastiness.
171. This model function is applied to NSCAT data to retrieve wind vectors, with the Maximum-Likelihood Estimator to get a set of ambiguous wind vectors and a vector filter technique to remove ambiguities.
172. The program introduces one method which realizes to retrieve and to print the Chinese characters in PC-1500 pocket computer .
173. When they are attacked and kidnapped by Kane's former team(sentence dictionary), the ill-matched duo is forced to retrieve a stolen microchip that may hold the key to Lynchs true identity.
174. A new tool added in DB2 UDB V8.2, called the Activity Monitor, uses various SQL functions and procedures to retrieve performance data for a live system for analysis.
175. Therefore, the database history is stored in an ASCII file and included in the backup image where we can retrieve and process it.
176. This is the new people assignment criteria you are going to add, such as Manager and Employee by Employee User ID, which retrieve both the manager ID and employee ID given an employee user ID.
177. Notice that you specify the feature ID, version, and matching rule along with the URL from which to retrieve it.
178. In this case, the first method would obtain the value of the header field by specifying its index in the result set and the next one would retrieve a header field value by looking up its key by name.
179. The IndexInfoRequestHandler can retrieve information about the index, such as the number of documents in the index or the Fields in the index.
180. Queries help retrieve data from various tables and display it in a single datasheet.
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