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Repetitive stress in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2024-06-01Updated:2024-06-01
Similar words: repetitivenessrepetitiverepetitivelyrepetitioncompetitivenesscompressive stressrepetitiousrepetition rate
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1. What Are Repetitive Stress Injuries?
2. The repetitive stress involved in smacking the ball may induce the tendonitis known as medial epicondylitis, or golfer's elbow.
3. I have been reading about repetitive stress injuries,(sentencedict .com) and I know that the office setup is very important.
4. The technology behind the trackpad originates from a company Apple purchased in the late 1990's, which had designed a similar device for people who suffered from repetitive stress injuries.
5. Cardinal signs of inflammation will occur only when there is rapid, high level stress in an area such as in acute trauma, repetitive stress episodes, allergic/toxic reactions and metabolic disease.
6. "If you suspect this person lives in Kiev, " Mr. Nazario said, "I would look for someone who has recently reported repetitive stress injury symptoms."
7. Whether you golf or knit, play tennis or quilt, a hobby can cause repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) just as different types of work can.
8. When a child specializes in one sport early in life, certain body parts — the arm of a Little League pitcher, the spine of a gymnast — are subjected to repetitive stress and overuse.
9. It probably would be helpful to use an ergonomic keyboard to further reduce your risk of a repetitive stress injury.
10. An hour of scribbling notes and two days of working on a laptop computer have inflamed my repetitive stress injury, an ailment common among journalists—and musicians.
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