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Relating in a sentence

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Sentence count:208+4Posted:2017-05-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: relating torelationrelativerelativelycorrelationcorrelativein relation torelationship
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91. It alerts one to the importance of contextual factors such as those relating to the institution's regulations, resources and ethos.
92. He seems to have difficulty relating to others and expressing his feelings.
93. The result of this is that the law relating to fraud and commercial affairs in general is strictly limited in its scope.
94. Then there are notes and figures relating to the library with a lot of question marks.
95. Outline the difficulties that might be encountered when relating Landsat imagery to conventional maps.
96. Other superstitions relating to the weather concern the day of the week upon which the new Moon chances to fall.
97. The faculty's Schools Liaison Officer will be happy to discuss curricula and issues relating to entry requirements.
98. Jim Guy Tucker relating to Madison Guaranty(, which failed at a cost to taxpayers of $ 65 million.
99. Of most importance to teachers were affective aims relating to the personal development of children.
100. Mr Virdi denied 11 charges relating to sending offensive mail and the alleged attempt to blame a fellow officer.
101. Your solicitor can also advise you on questions relating to equal pay.
102. For present purposes, however, it is the use of language relating to legacies and trusts which is relevant.
103. The laws relating to taxation may be subject to changes which can not be foreseen.
104. The amnesty did not include those accused of offences relating to drugs, murder(, economic sabotage or armed robbery.
105. This ideology relating to gender roles underpins the structure of sociology much as it does the structure of social life.
106. Mr Walker and former finance director Wilfred Aquilina were also charged with two counts of false accounting relating to the thefts.
107. Relevant well-established civil court case law is based on the general provisions of the Civil Code relating to the conclusion of contracts.
108. He was bailed on Feb. 5, but further charges relating to another 10,000,000 yen were lodged against him on Feb. 17.
109. Its principal archival collection comprises records relating to some 140,000 charities.
110. Mr Braswell was convicted in 1983 of charges relating to his vitamin and health supplement business.
111. Option courses are available which examine issues relating to gender and work, gender and development and gender and politics.
112. The same line of reasoning was applicable to the admissibility of evidence relating to previous agreements.
113. The committee will concern itself with matters relating to administration, marketing, finance, playing, development, and public relations.
114. It has been interpreted and adapted in widely different ways, relating to varied environments and concepts held by chief executives themselves.
115. Housing Corporation strategy now sets performance indicators relating to participation.
116. Beside the contract of sale of the petrol there was a separate collateral contract relating to the World Cup coins.
117. Relating levels of capital grants to handicap zones would also provide a better climate for conservation in the uplands.
118. The unit will be responsible for pursuing fraud and malpractice relating to banks.
119. This is followed by a listing of more detailed criteria relating to one aspect: place value.
120. These templates model mainly questions and commands relating to a database system.
More similar words: relating torelationrelativerelativelycorrelationcorrelativein relation torelationshipgelatinousforeign relationspublic relationsrelative humidityinterrelationshipinternational relationscollatingvacillatingtitillatingoscillatingstimulatingtranslatingaccumulatingmanipulatingrelatescintillatinggesticulatingprelaterelatedelectroplatingrelate tocorrelate
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