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Red-neck in a sentence

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Sentence count:9Posted:2024-05-14Updated:2024-05-14
Similar words: redneckneck and neckconnectednessrednesstirednessdisconnectednesssacrednesspreparedness
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1. A large Texan redneck was shouting obscenities at Ali.
2. But it was her vocal anti-meat stance that turned the country establishment's down-home snub into redneck outrage.
3. They liked the rugged frontier side of it and redneck anti-intellectualism.
4. Behind, two redneck rock'n'roll haters with attached security tags sit broadly on the hotel hospitality sofas.
5. A redneck to his roots, Johnson none the less embraced equality between colors and classes as his ticket to historical heaven.
6. Sly had made a big hit with the rednecks of Bullens Creek on his first visit.
7. The year is 1964, and three civil rights activists have disappeared in a redneck town in Mississippi.
8. Dear old redneck Atlanta is a thing of the past, no need to feel foreign here.
9. You do know that most dictator and terrorist organizations are raised by the U. S. funding in the beginning, right? lol. Dumb red-neck.
More similar words: redneckneck and neckconnectednessrednesstirednessdisconnectednesssacrednesspreparednessassurednessshared networkinterconnectednessself-centerednessagednesswednesdaynakednesshandednessfixednessmarkednesswickednessruggednesscussednessWednesdaysdoggednesssightednessrelatednesscrookednesswretchednesscomposednesspointednessboundedness
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